
Generic AXI slave stub

Primary LanguageVerilog

------------------------------ Remark ----------------------------------------
This code is a generic code written in RobustVerilog. In order to convert it to Verilog a RobustVerilog parser is required. 
It is possible to download a free RobustVerilog parser from www.provartec.com/edatools.

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RobustVerilog generic AXI slave stub

In order to create the Verilog design use the run.sh script in the run directory (notice that the run scripts calls the robust binary (RobustVerilog parser)).

The RobustVerilog top source file is axi_slave.v, it calls the top definition file named def_axi_slave.txt.

The default definition file def_axi_master.txt generates an AXI slave with a 64 bit data bus and both read and write command depth of 8.

Changing the stub parameters should be made only in def_axi_master.txt in the src/base directory (command depth, address bits, data width etc.).