
ROS package for capturing the pose of the checkerboard

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


ROS package for capturing the pose of the checkerboard

Author: Hongtao Wu

Date: June 03, 2020

Part of the code is borrowed from twu_checkerboard. This repository includes software developed by the TU-Wien.

This code is for captureing the pose of the checkerboard. It is built primary for hand-eye calibration purposes.


Here we demonstrate the usage of the code with a depth camera (PrimeSense Carmine 1.09).

The checkerboard we used can be found in doc/. It is a 6x7 checkerboard. The edge length of the squre is 2.56cm if printed with a letter size paper. The checkerbaord parameters can be set in include/capture_checkerboard.h.

First, calibrate the intrinsic of the camera rgb and depth sensor with Roslaunch the camera with MonocularCalibration and OpenNI IntrinsicCalibration. This would provide you with rectified images.

Then, roslaunch the camera with

rosulaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch depth_registration:=true

depth_registration:=true gives you regirstered depth and rgb images.

Find the rectified rgb image and image info rostopic by

rostopic list

Set the the rgb image and image info rostopic in the main() of src/capture_checkerboard.cpp.

Then rosrun the capture node with

rosrun checkerboard_ros capture_checkerboard

The pose of the checkerboard will be published on the rostopic /capture/pose_check; the result of the pose estimation (in rgb image) will be published on the rostopic /capture/pose_result. Use the following to see the pose estimation result

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/capture/pose_result


Write the launch file to include the camera topic and the checkerboard dimension.