This mathematics course is taught for the first year Ph.D. students of computer science and related areas @ZJU
- 351zyf
- Albanbrooke
- Aozh1
- cheerssState Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University
- cookaKUKA Digital
- dgl-prc
- dongan-betaZhejiang University
- Ericohyz
- freemanxzx
- gaoshoutuono company
- Hanke98Zhejiang University
- hbzju
- HongviYeChina hangzhou
- huang-xxByteDance
- JohnZhu04Kyoto University
- Kururu007Hangzhou, Zhejiang
- LeoTsui
- ljrproccZhejiang University
- lulinglingcufeHangZhou,China
- luzaiSFU
- mengxiangqiao
- Nealcly
- njuhtc
- nlqqBJ
- Noa-t14
- NookShop
- RullecmiHoyo
- WhatAShot
- wsyzzzHangzhou
- wu-qingweiChina
- xjiajiahaoZhejiang University
- yachenkangwestlake university
- yidan-yangRochester, New York
- YinjieJHangzhou, China
- YuleYuChina
- ZixuanNi