
Maintenance Planner MVP

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A maintenance planner

Notable modules and design considerations

  • vue: because I haven't used it previously, nice experience, I like it!
  • sequelize: There are many options, loopback for example which uses juggler, but sequelize has been around for a long time and many people know it
  • sqlite3: To connect to the sqlite database - there is also better-sqlite3 which is supposedly faster, but I didn't want to mess around with it for MVP
  • vue-material: Easy to prototype nice interfaces - though I'm not an expert yet in it
  • axios: Because axios is nice and the vue folks said they prefer it now over their vue-resource
  • jsonapi-server: For building json api compliant endpoints
  • express: I briefly considered koa and hapi, but express is easy and vue dev server uses it anyway
  • swagger-ui-express: Serves the swagger API UI, though it does have to be done manually right now
  • vue-datepicker: Needed something quick in a pinch for MVP
  • jsonapi-store-relationaldb: Comes from a fork of mine with a fix applied for sqlite storage, works with jsonapi-server

Funky things you might notice

  1. Eslint and style: I'm generally a tabs/semicolon guy, but I went with the default for vue.js created for me in this case, (2-space/no semicolon eslint)
  2. You do have to fire up the server to serve up the API separately from the server to do the dev work at the present time
  3. Testing and development do not run side-by-side, you have to kill the dev server to run tests which is not great (due to hitting the same port - config problem I wasn't able to fix yet).


# install dependencies
npm install

# run the server (the server that connects to sqlite is run separately from the server that runs the client)
node server/server

# serve the planner application with hot reload at localhost:9000 by default
npm run dev

# browse the swagger API at http://localhost:9001/api-docs

This comes with a sqlite database pre-loaded, however if you would like to build a new one, rm planner.sqlite and run npm run syncdb to create a new one


  • Note that tests are not yet complete, there's only 1 e2e and a few unit tests that don't get full coverage
  • Note also that currently you have to kill the dev server to run the tests, which is not great, but didn't have time to fix those configs up correctly
# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests (be sure to `npm run build` beforehand in order to get the service-worker.js file created e2e)
npm run e2e

# run all tests (be sure to `npm run build` beforehand in order to get the service-worker.js file created for e2e)
npm test


# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

To rebuild swagger UI api docs

this is a bit manual at the moment...

  1. Go to the swagger API location (by default http://localhost:9000/rest/swagger.json) in your browser
  2. Copy the content and paste it into server/swagger/plans.json
  3. Restart both servers (node server/server and npm run dev)

To change the configuration of most things

  • Note: The configs are not tested, they may or may not work and there are some obvious problems, for example the port for testing is the same as the port in dev so clearly something is incorrect in how I'm doing that.
  1. from the root of the project directory cd config
  2. You will find a number of config files here:
  • dev.env.js is used in dev environment (NODE_ENV === 'dev')
  • prod.env.js is used to build the production code (NODE_ENV === 'build')
  • test.env.js is used in testing (NODE_ENV === 'test')