- This package is a ROS package that could transform your 3x4 transformation matrix to position & quaternion, then publish using tf.
- launch the package:
roslaunch pose_transformation convert.launch
- Arguments :
<arg name="tcp_link" default="tcp_link"/>
<arg name="camera_link" default="camera_link"/>
<arg name="publish_tf" default="true"/>
<arg name="matrix_file" default="rotation.txt" />
- tcp_link and camera_link are the tcp and camera frame you want to call in tf tree.
- publish_tf is set to true by default. If you set to false, it will only convert the rotation matrix to quaternion,.
- matrix_file is located inside the
directory. Now, I use rotation.txt as an example. You could store all your tcp to camera matrix inside/data
and choose which to convert and publish