Web or web related coding (JS, React, NodeJS...)

Primary LanguageHTML

My Own Introduction to JavaScript

This is my own documentation for JS.

Each section has its own readme which has my notes, also the codes are overdocumented so I can alway look them up with the formal explanations.

Vanilla Javascript

Basics of JS. You can find a README with my notes on JS as well and my overcommented code in JS.


My Webpage

When i get to know JS correctly i will build my own website, without freaking bootstrap.

Useful Resources for Web/JS



VSCode extensions/snippets:

  • Live Server
  • Boilerplate
  • Tabnine (AI NLP with all Github, the autocomplete seems to be good)
  • Autoclosetag
  • Autocomplete Tag
  • AutoRenameTag
  • Bootstrap
  • Material Icon Theme
  • Hex-to-rgba
  • Bracketpair Colorizer