- batpigandme@tidyverse
- bgreenwell84.51° and University of Cincinnati
- bguiastr
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- ColinFay@ThinkR-open
- dschlaep
- dseidel-plenty@PlentyAg
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- ismirsehregal
- jbrodriguezApertoire
- jefferisMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- johnbaumsUniversity of Melbourne
- katherinehebert@TheoreticalEcosystemEcology
- kzktmrKitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
- laderastFred Hutch Data Science Lab @fhdsl
- ladworkin
- Leszek-SieminskiAppsilon
- markklick206
- mortezasabriTechnical University of Munich
- nathaneastwood@ne-data
- njtierneyThe Kids Research Institute Australia
- oganm@PavlidisLab, UBC
- progkixIndianapolis, IN
- qclian
- SciWilroStellenbosch, South Africa
- sf585978University of Pennsylvania.
- th122Berlin, Germany
- timelyportfolioavailable
- timothyslauKeep your code explicit and your writing concise
- uriboTokushima University (徳島大å¦)
- VLucet@StewartWILDLab
- vnijsRady School of Management, UCSD
- yeldarbkram
- yonicdPinpoint Strategies
- YsoSirius
- Yuri-M-DiasBrazil