UI Designer at RentalHunt.co.uk | Passionate of all things tech | Enjoy building & styling web applications for a living!
Pinned Repositories
A program built in Ruby to practice Test Driven Development. The program constructs an airport for the taking off and landing of planes. It is tested using RSpec.
A program built in Java to practice Test Driven Development. The program constructs an airport for the taking off and landing of planes. It is tested using Junit.
An AngularJS app to build a phone catalogue (tutorial). It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor.
A game that is built in Ruby and uses the Sinatra framework. It is tested using RSpec and Capybara.
A bookmark manager built in Ruby that uses the Sinatra framework. It is connected to a PostGresQL and DataMapper database. It is tested using RSpec and Capybara.
An app built in AngularJS to represent a clothing retailer's website. It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Automation tools built via Grunt.
An app built in AngularJS to compare credit card rates. It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
Built a clone of Instagram in Rails and tested in RSpec & Capybara. It is connected to a PostGresQL & DataMapper database. Images are stored via Amazon's AWS / S3 service. The UI is built in HTML, CSS, Sass & Bootstrap.
Building a food tracker iOS app in Xcode in order to learn how to program in Swift. This is from the official tutorial from Apple.
hsheikhm's Repositories
Built a clone of Instagram in Rails and tested in RSpec & Capybara. It is connected to a PostGresQL & DataMapper database. Images are stored via Amazon's AWS / S3 service. The UI is built in HTML, CSS, Sass & Bootstrap.
An app built in AngularJS to represent a clothing retailer's website. It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Automation tools built via Grunt.
An app built in AngularJS to compare credit card rates. It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
Building a food tracker iOS app in Xcode in order to learn how to program in Swift. This is from the official tutorial from Apple.
A program built in Java to practice Test Driven Development. The program constructs an airport for the taking off and landing of planes. It is tested using Junit.
An AngularJS app to build a phone catalogue (tutorial). It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor.
Building a simple Car API using Node.js and Express to show how you should organise your routes
An iOS app built in Swift within Xcode that uses Estimote Bluetooth Beacons and is connected to a Firebase database. The app allows people to make donations to the less fortunate via the PayPal API. It is tested using XCTest and Quick/Nimble.
A checkout system app built in Ruby and tested in RSpec. The app demonstrates the use of SOLID principles such as SRP and DI.
Building a version of Twitter in Ruby which uses the Sinatra framework. The app is connected to a PostGresQL and DataMapper database and is tested in RSpec and Capybara. The UI is built in HTML, CSS, Sass, jQuery and Bootstrap.
My GitHub CV
A Slackbot built in JavaScript that sends messages on Slack. It is used together with the Daily Review App (see separate repo: daily_review_app).
A daily review app built in AngularJS for Makers Academy students to submit feedback. The app uses a Slackbot and is connected to a Firebase database. The UI is built in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Automation tools built via Grunt.
An app built in AngularJS that consumes a JSON Flickr feed API. It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS, Sass and Bootstrap. Automation tools built via Grunt.
A storage of images for project readmes.
A short JavaScript program that represents a cash register in order to practice programming in JavaScript.
Testing React with Java
Examples of JavaScript ES6 features
Building a real-time Markdown editor in Node.js
Building a RESTful API using the MEAN stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS
PayPal iOS SDK for accepting credit card payments in mobile apps. This was used in the 'changr' project.
A test iOS app built in Swift to see how to integrate PayPal.
React App
React App - Tic Tac Toe
An app built with a Node/Express back-end and an AngularJS front-end . It is tested using Karma-Jasmine and Protractor. The UI is built in HTML, CSS, Sass and Materialize. Automation tools built via Grunt.
A restaurant takeaway app built in Ruby and tested in RSpec. The app uses the Twilio API to send text messages. It best demonstrates the use of SRP and DI.
A practice tech test from Makers Academy.
Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
Animated wheel navigation JavaScript library based on Raphaël.js (SVG/VML). It can be a pie menu (radial menu, circular menu) and many more.