
A checkout system app built in Ruby and tested in RSpec. The app demonstrates the use of SOLID principles such as SRP and DI.

Primary LanguageRuby

Checkout Build Status Coverage Status


Build a Checkout system in Ruby.

My Approach

Initially I played around in irb to see what kind of objects and methods would need to be created. From that I put together a Domain Model to organise the objects. Then I decided on the number of classes that would be needed, in this case four (listed below). Once I had a clear picture, I next began writing my tests and making them pass one by one.

Throughout my code I kept strict to the SOLID principles and made use of Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and Dependency Injection (DI). I structured my code into 4 separate classes with each having its own responsibility. I also aimed to keep each method to having only one responsibility too. As for DI, you will see that I had incorporated this into my Checkout and Order classes within the initialize method. As a result I was able to use the London Style (as opposed to Chicago Style) when it came to my RSpec testing since I could use doubles to represent my other class objects. This allowed all my unit tests to become isolated.

  • Checkout (Responsible for creating an order instance and a set of promotional rules. Responsible for scanning items and retrieving the total price after discounts).
  • Products (Responsible for listing all products available. Any new product can easily be added into this class).
  • Order (Responsible for creating a basket, adding items to the basket, calculating the total price and applying any eligible discounts).
  • Promotional rules (Responsible for listing all the promotional rules. A new rule can easily be added into this class).

Directory Structure

├── lib/
│   ├── checkout.rb
│   ├── order.rb
│   ├── products.rb
│   └── promotional_rules.rb
├── spec/
│   ├── checkout_spec.rb
│   ├── order_spec.rb
│   ├── products_spec.rb
│   ├── promotional_rules_spec.rb
│   └── spec_helper.rb

Feature Test Sample

New Checkout object:

2.2.3 :002 > co = Checkout.new

Checkout can scan items which are added to the basket:

2.2.3 :003 > co.scan(001)
 => 1
2.2.3 :004 > co.scan(002)
 => 1
2.2.3 :005 > co.scan(003)
 => 1

Checkout can calculate the total price:

2.2.3 :006 > co.total
 => "£66.78"

Download Instructions

$ git clone https://github.com/hsheikhm/Checkout.git
$ cd Checkout
$ irb
$ require './lib/checkout.rb'

Author: Hamza Sheikh