This bundles is compatible with Rock roby plan manager. If you don't know about Rock roby you can just ignore it.
roby gen myrobot
A basic Roby application has the following directories:
config: configuration files. config/init.rb is the main configuration file (loaded by all robots). Robot-specific configuration is in config/robots/ROBOTNAME.rb. The main Roby configuration file is config/roby.yml. The default file describes all available configuration options.
config:orogen: contains yaml configuration files to run the programs
config:data: contains camera calibration files for the dataset
data: binary files for visuals
scripts: ruby executing scripts (the main reason for this bundles)
Use roby gen
to create new models or robot configuration files. Running the
command without further arguments shows which generators are available, and
then adding --help
provides detailed help for a given generator, e.g. roby gen robot --help