BlockPolish: accurate polishing of long-read assembly via block divide-and-conquer
BlockPolish couples four Bidirectional LSTM layers with a compressed projection layer and a flip-flop projection layer to predict the consensus sequence according to the reads-to-assembly alignment. The Bi-LSTM layers take both left and right alignment features when making decisions. The compressed projection layer converts the alignment features to the DNA sequence without continuously repeated nucleotides. The flip-flop projection layer converts the alignment features into the DNA sequence in which the continuous repeated nucleotides are flip-flopped. The flip-flop operation alternately represents the continuously repeated bases using uppercase and lowercase characters (e.g., “AAAAA” is represented as “AaAaA” and “AAATTCT” is represented as “AaATtCT”).
Before neural network-based predicting, the draft assembly is divided into trivial blocks and complex blocks according to reads-to-assembly alignment. The input data of neural network is a sequence of alignment features, which contains percentages of different bases, insertions, and deletions at each position in the block. Dividing contigs and generating feature matrix is done in the BPFGM
Using this method requires the user to install several tools:
pip install pyyaml editdistance python-Levenshtein biopython tensorboardX
if the machine has GPUs, you can install pytorch-gpu >=1.4.0 environment:
conda install pytorch=1.4.0
if the machine only has Cpus, install pytorch-cpu >=1.4.0 environment:
conda install pytorch-cpu=1.4.0
Install BlockPolish from the GitHub repository:
git clone
cd BlockPolish
python -h
usage: [-h] [-config CONFIG] -model MODEL -data DATA -output OUTPUT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-config CONFIG
-model MODEL
-data DATA
-output OUTPUT
In the workflow, we recommend to run one round of Racon to polish the draft assembly initially.
minimap2 -x map-ont assembly.fa reads.fq -t 40 > reads2asm.paf
racon reads.fq reads2asm.paf assembly.fa -t 40 > racon_cons0.fasta
minimap2 -ax map-ont racon_cons0.fasta reads.fq -t 40 > reads2racon.sam
samtools view -bS -@ 40 reads2racon.sam -o reads2racon.bam
samtools sort -@ 40 reads2racon.bam -o reads2racon.sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 40 reads2racon.sorted.bam
In this step, the draft assembly is divided into trivial blocks and complex blocks with different qualities according to reads-to-assembly alignment. Then the feature matrix of each block is extracted including percentages of different bases, insertions, and deletions at each position. This process is done by BPFGM.
block -b reads2racon.sorted.bam -s trivial_features.txt -c complex_features.txt
The config files and model files are released on Google Drive
# polishing trivial blocks with trivial config file `test_trivial_config.yaml` and trivial model file `trivial_model.chkpt`
python -config config/test_trivial_config.yaml -model trivial_model.chkpt -data trivial_features.txt -output trivial_polished.txt
# polishing complex blocks with complex config file `test_complex_config.yaml` and complex model file `complex_model.chkpt`
python -config config/test_complex_config.yaml -model complex_model.chkpt -data complex_features.txt -output complex_polished.txt
# merge polishing results of trivial blocks and complex blocks
python --t trivial_polished.txt --c complex_polished.txt -output polished_assembly.fa
Copyright (C) 2020 by Huangneng (