This repository summarise a pipeline to efficiently scan viral transcripts in single-cell RNA-seq data with STARsolo
Thanks to the flexible support from STARsolo, the pipeline has two main features:
- Default input: the unmapped reads in the bam file from CellRanger or STARsolo by mapping reads to the host (e.g., human or mouse)
- Default output: UMI counts per virus per cell
One can generate any customised list of viral genomes. Here, we compiled 833 viral sequences, including 762 viruses from VirTect, 7 other viruses and 64 consensus sequences of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) compiled by Vargiu et al
The reference viral genomes are stored in the viral_reference/viruses_833.fasta
Note, in order to avoid false positives, we only used the CSD for the following viruses, as their remaining regions have a poly-A or poly-T region that may give false positives:
- virus169: NC_004102.1_Hepatitis_C_virus_genotype_1,_complete_genome
- virus170: NC_009823.1_Hepatitis_C_virus_genotype_2,_complete_genome
- virus174: NC_009827.1_Hepatitis_C_virus_genotype_6,_complete_genome
- virus194: NC_022518.1_Human_endogenous_retrovirus_K113_complete_genome
- virus515: NC_001672.1_Tick-borne_encephalitis_virus,_complete_genome
In order to use STARsolo, we have to obtain a gene annotation file in GTF format. Many databases, e.g., NCBI Nucleotide, have good annotations of common virues. Here, as focusinig on scan viral existence, we introduce a pseudo definition of genes by using the whole genome as a gene, hence only relying on the input viral genomes.
You can use the as follows,
python -f viral_reference/viruses_833.fasta -o YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Then you will see three output files in the output folder:
- viruses_833.numbered.fasta: same sequences with number virus as simplier id
- viruses_833.numbered.gtf: the gene annotation file
- viruses_833.id_notes.tsv: the notes for viruses
With the gene annotation at hand, now we can build the reference for running STARsolo.
For 10x Genomics data, you can use the following settings, but you can also refer to STAR's documentation
STAR --runThreadN 3 --runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir YOUR_Ref_DIR --genomeFastaFiles viruses_833.numbered.fasta \
--sjdbGTFfile viruses_833.numbered.gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 97 --genomeSAindexNbases 8
From the bam files in the cellranger (or STAR) output, you can retrieve the unmapped
or uncounted reads easily with samtools
. Depending on your analysis, you may choose
unmapped or uncounted reads (I would suggest keeping uncounted reads to avoid
missing potential information).
Keep unmapped reads: Usually, the unmapped reads are kept in the bam file when aligning it to the host (e.g., human or mouse), for example, CellRanger for 10x Genomics data. You can obtain the unmapped reads by using flag 4 (
-f 4
) in the bam file; see more discussions here.samtools view -f 4 YOUR_CellRanger_outs_Bam_file > YOUR_CellRanger_outs-f_4.sam
Keep uncounted reads: The STAR aligner generallly takes a gene annotation file in GTF format as input, so it adds a
tag to which gene a read is mapped. In the cellranger cell-by-gene UMI matrix, it only uses reads withGX
tag. Of note, the anti-sense reads do not a GX tag. Here you can use this command to get the reads without aGX
tag:samtools view YOUR_CellRanger_outs_Bam_file | \ grep -v "xf:i:25" > YOUR_CellRanger_outs-xf_non25.sam
Once again, STAR has nice support to take bam as input and additional command line, so now you can re-align the unmapped or uncounted reads to viral genomes by a single command line, for example,
STAR --runThreadN 20 --genomeDir YOUR_Ref_DIR \
--soloType Droplet --soloCBwhitelist YOUR_cell_list \
--readFilesIn YOUR_CellRanger_outs-xf_non25.sam \
--readFilesType SAM SE \
--soloInputSAMattrBarcodeSeq CR UR \
--soloInputSAMattrBarcodeQual CY UY \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted
Note, here you can use the whitelist provided by cellranger (see STARsolo's note ). However, you could also directly use the called cells from cellranger, e.g., in the filtered_feature_bc_matrix folder. The command line can do the trick:
zcat filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz | awk '{print substr($0, 1, length($0)-2)}' > YOUR_cell_list
Nicely, STARsolo returns count matrix for cell-by-virus, e.g., in Solo.out/Gene/raw/
In case you may want to quickly view the total reads mapped to each virus.
You can use the versatile samtools by its idxstat
(you may need to sort the
bam file first).
samtools sort Aligned.out.bam -o Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
samtools index Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
samtools idxstat Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam