
Error in map_data function

cmarti opened this issue · 2 comments


I have been trying to use BRIE for a couple of days and running into errors when trying to quantify splicing rates following the manual. In particular I was getting an error in the MH_heuristic function because idxF was empty. I have tracked down this to the map_data function:

"elif ids[idx1[i]] == tran_ids[idx2[j]]:"

this basically never happens because of the suffixes you add to the ids. I have modified my version to remove the suffixes but I am not sure this is how it should be done. Anyway, have a look please and see if you can fix it.


I sorted it out. Apparently the event filtering step changes the format of the annotation file and only the new GTF format is compatible with the downstream BRIE analysis. It is a bit confusing though, I would expect to have the same formats along the pipeline.

Thanks for updating and good to hear it is sorted. This confusing issue will be taken into account and hopefully sorted in new release.