
A toolkit for "Bug Location and Repair of Defects".

Primary LanguageJava

Bug Location and Repair of Defects (BugLoRD) - Toolkit


A tool collection for locating and repairing bugs, including tools or toolchains for

  • searching and running all JUnit tests from a Java project,
  • generating spectrum based fault localization (SBFL) rankings,
  • combining SBFL rankings with other rankings, generated from other sources,
  • checking changes between two project versions with the support of ChangeDistiller,
  • collecting and plotting data.

Additional functionality includes

  • a frontend to the Defects4J benchmark for easier, more central access,
  • an AST based language model builder, using the JavaParser project,
  • tools for syntactic and semantic tokenization of Java source files.



  • Java JDK/JRE 1.8
  • Maven (I am using v3.3.9)
  • the HUB-SE-framework (execute 'mvn install' to add the necessary jar-file to your local maven repository.)

Before you can install BugLoRD, you have to set the environment variables JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME to an existing installation of Java 1.8. You can set them directly or you can add the following code to the settings.xml file that is located in your local mavan repository directory (.../.m2/settings.xml). If it doesn't exist, you may have to create it.



To compile the tool, generate executable jar-files and JavaDocs, simply run 'mvn install' in the main project directory.

Bug reports

This project is under constant developement and is a research prototype. If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open an issue or write an e-mail with details of the bug and I will fix it as soon as possible.