
REST API that will allow the upstream clients to search for movies given a movie genre, and return details of each found movie.

Primary LanguageElixir

Movie Finder

REST API that will allow the upstream clients to search for movies given a movie genre, and return details of each found movie.

Entirely coded with Elixir.

How services communicate

Sequence diagram

Bring the infrastructure with Docker

docker-compose up -d

Base URL

Environment BASE URL
Local http://localhost:4000/api

Example of a request

curl --request GET \
  --url 'http://localhost:4000/api/movies?genre=Drama&offset=0&limit=3'

genre: Matches the genre of the movie. Only single genre is allowed.

offset: Provides the starting index for the search results. Default is 0, if not specified.

limit: Provides the number of results returned per page. Default is 10 if not specified.

The genres are provided as a static resource in the genres.json file

The "Downstream" services

The failure percent of the services are only there to simulate failures in downstream dependencies.

Movie-Search Service

This service allows searching for movies based on genre and revenue.

Service Address: http://localhost:3040

Git Repository : https://github.com/keremk/movie-search

Failure Percent : This service can fail 10% of the time.

Movie-Info Service

This service gives detailed movie info.

Service Address: http://localhost:3030

Git Repository : https://github.com/keremk/movie-info

Max Allowed Batch Size: This service allows you to request a batch of maximum 5 items (through the ids query param).

Failure Percent : This service can fail 20% of the time.

Artist-Info Service

This service gives you detailed artist info.

Service Address: http://localhost:3050

Git Repository : https://github.com/keremk/artist-info

Max Allowed Batch Size: This service allows you to request a batch of maximum 5 items (through the ids query param).

Failure Percent : This service can fail 50% of the time. Really flaky one!


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Load the environment variables source .env
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix run --no-halt

You can also visit localhost:8080 from your browser.