
Django-Vue3-Admin is a comprehensive basic development platform based on the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model for permission control, with column-level granularity. It follows a frontend-backend separation architecture, with

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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💡 「About」

It is a completely open-source rapid development platform, provided free for personal use and authorized for group use. Django-Vue3-Admin is a comprehensive basic development platform based on the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model for permission control, with column-level granularity. It follows a frontend-backend separation architecture, with Django and Django Rest Framework used for the backend, and Vue3, Composition API, TypeScript, Vite, and Element Plus used for the frontend.

framework introduction

💡 django-vue3-admin Is a set of all open source rapid development platform, no reservation for individuals and enterprises free use.

  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑Front-end adoption Vue3+TS+pinia+fastcrud。
  • 👭The backend uses the Python language Django framework as well as the powerfulDjango REST Framework
  • 👫Permission authentication useDjango REST Framework SimpleJWT,Supports the multi-terminal authentication system.
  • 👬Support loading dynamic permission menu, multi - way easy permission control.
  • 👬Enhanced Column Permission Control, with granularity down to each column.
  • 💏Special thanks: vue-next-admin.
  • 💡Special thanks:jetbrains To provide a free IntelliJ IDEA license for this open source project.

Online experience

👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👧‍👦 demo address:https://demo.dvadmin.com

  • demo account:superadmin

  • demo password:admin123456



source code url:

gitee(Main push):https://gitee.com/huge-dream/django-vue3-admin👩‍👦‍👦


core function

  1. 👨‍⚕️Menu Management: Configure system menus, operation permissions, button permission flags, backend interface permissions, etc.
  2. 🧑‍⚕️Department Management: Configure system organizational structure (company, department, role).
  3. 👩‍⚕️Role Management: Role menu permission assignment, data permission assignment, set role-based data scope permissions by department.
  4. 🧑‍🎓Button Permission Control: Authorize role-specific button permissions and interface permissions, enabling authorization of data scope for each interface.
  5. 🧑‍🎓Field Column Permission Control: Authorize page field display permissions, specifically for the display permissions of a certain column.
  6. 👨‍🎓User Management: Users are system operators, and this function is mainly used for system user configuration.
  7. 👬API Whitelist: Configure interfaces that do not require permission verification.
  8. 🧑‍🔧Dictionary Management: Maintain frequently used and relatively fixed data in the system.
  9. 🧑‍🔧Region Management: Manage provinces, cities, counties, and districts.
  10. 📁File Management: Unified management of all files, images, etc., on the platform.
  11. 🗓️Operation Logs: Record and query logs for normal system operations and exceptional system information.
  12. 🔌Plugin Market: Applications and plugins developed based on the Django-Vue-Admin framework.

plugins market 🔌


Repository Branch Explanation 💈

Main Branch: master (stable version) Development Branch: develop

before start project you need:

Python >= 3.11.0 (Minimum version 3.9+)
Node.js >= 16.0
Mysql >= 8.0 (Optional, default database: SQLite3, supports 5.7+, recommended version: 8.0)
Redis (Optional, latest version)


# clone code
git clone https://gitee.com/huge-dream/django-vue3-admin.git

# enter code dir
cd web

# install dependence
npm install yarn
yarn install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

# Start service
yarn run dev
# Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
# Parameters such as boot port can be configured in the #.env.development file
# Build the production environment
# yarn run build


1. enter code dir cd backend
2. copy ./conf/env.example.py to ./conf dir,rename as env.py
3. in env.py configure database information
 mysql database recommended version: 8.0
 mysql database character set: utf8mb4
4. install pip dependence
 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
5. Execute the migration command:
 python3 manage.py makemigrations
 python3 manage.py migrate
6. Initialization data
 python3 manage.py init
7. Initialize provincial, municipal and county data:
 python3 manage.py init_area
8. start backend
 python3 manage.py runserver
or uvicorn :
  uvicorn application.asgi:application --port 8000 --host --workers 8

visit backend swagger

  • visit url:http://localhost:8080 (The default address is this one. If you want to change it, follow the configuration file)
  • account:superadmin password:admin123456


docker-compose up -d
# Initialize backend data (first execution only)
docker exec -ti dvadmin3-django bash
python manage.py makemigrations 
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py init_area
python manage.py init

frontend url:
backend url:
# Change to your own public ip address on the server
account:`superadmin` password:`admin123456`

# docker-compose stop
docker-compose down
#  docker-compose restart
docker-compose restart
#  docker-compose on start build
docker-compose up -d --build

Demo screenshot✅









