Django-Vue3-Admin is a comprehensive basic development platform based on the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model for permission control, with column-level granularity. It follows a frontend-backend separation architecture, with
- 0802lqrasd123
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- AaronAn58
- aerfaman
- all3n360
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- ATPsRutgers University
- Bloomberg-zhong
- BoLiuCS
- BoolWang
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- fanyuanxiang
- General-456
- hananbing
- huang7899135
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- liqianglog
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- oceanheart
- Orange-SR
- Qoo95XJTU
- raeuz
- Snax1210
- sqy941013Sichuan University
- tinglion
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- xichenzhang
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- zerovspace
- ZhengGuozhen
- zhengtuing