- 0
ImportError: cannot import name 'ModelFilter' from 'huggingface_hub'
#2710 opened by SaiPavankumar22 - 0
need a published docker image with latest huggingface-hub and huggingface-cli
#2708 opened by lianhao - 5
Enormous repository storage overusage
#2700 opened by umarbutler - 0
[InferenceClient] Provide a way to deal with content-type header when sending raw bytes
#2706 opened by Wauplin - 4
OSError: Consistency check failed: file should be of size 18612 but has size 18605 (datasets/tau/scrolls@main/
#2645 opened by kaiqinhu - 3
A runtimeerror with repositopry of CLAM
#2681 opened by husterWL - 0
remove `list_metrics`
#2690 opened by julien-c - 2
- 4
upload_large_folder() issue with uploading to new spaces (create_repo requires space_sdk)
#2693 opened by John6666cat - 2
downloading large files got stuck at 0% forever when using VPN, but it works when using wget
#2691 opened by truebit - 1
Error while fetching `HF_TOKEN` secret value from your vault: 'Requesting secret HF_TOKEN timed out. Secrets can only be fetched when running from the Colab UI.'. You are not authenticated with the Hugging Face Hub in this notebook.
#2686 opened by SetuAI - 1
#2685 opened by Ludia214 - 5
list_inference_endpoints fails with Date parsing error
#2671 opened by james-deee - 2
Method to retrieve jwt token + stream logs from a Space
#2667 opened by Wauplin - 2
HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 - last few hundred MBs becomes so so so slow
#2677 opened by FurkanGozukara - 1
Support server-side filtering for list_repo_tree
#2676 opened by younik - 1
python 3.12 not working on spaces
#2675 opened by JackismyShephard - 0
#2678 opened by kakidaragit - 2
AsyncInferenceClient uses synchronous time.sleep
#2672 opened by james-deee - 1
TypeError: OrthogonalRegularizer.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'num_features'
#2673 opened by Allaye - 9
HF Upload file doesn't work over 10MB
#2666 opened by orionw - 2
#2663 opened by MuthuGajapathiT - 2
snapshot_download download speeds are not shown on Kaggle and on some other platforms
#2662 opened by FurkanGozukara - 2
Single link downloads limited to like 40 megabytes per second can we make snapshot_download to open multi connection and download faster?
#2658 opened by FurkanGozukara - 2
Spacy packages not installable via (uv) pip
#2637 opened by jcorrie - 3
Suggest to use `upload_large_folder` when using `upload_folder` with folders containing many files
#2650 opened by yoinked-h - 2
allow `base64` images to be passed to HF api
#2654 opened by not-lain - 5
Option to get security status with `hf_api`
#2649 opened by suzukimain - 1
`max_tokens`'s default in docstring of `InferenceClient::chat_completion`'s is 20 but that of TGI is 100
#2652 opened by sadra-barikbin - 0
hf token
#2651 opened by yoga212121 - 2
- 1
Inconsistent API format for ModelDataCard
#2642 opened by adiaholic - 1
It shows error in output
#2608 opened by J909844 - 1
- 1
`SecurityStatus` does not exist in `model_info`
#2638 opened by suzukimain - 0
[i18n-es] Translating docs to Spanish
#2640 opened by Wauplin - 1
#2635 opened by SDKGF - 5
Error getting hf file, getting proxy error
#2625 opened by adityag6994 - 4
snapshot_download edge case exception
#2607 opened by pcuenca - 1
#2624 opened by SamuriAi - 1
integrate firerequests for faster downloads
#2618 opened by mratanusarkar - 2
Unable to install huggingface-cli
#2619 opened by Ra8aels - 2
- 6
- 0
#2613 opened by shivamdada1 - 1
NameError: name 'packaging' is not defined
#2609 opened by hengxt - 1
Passing tool results to the LM
#2606 opened by anakin87 - 4
- 2
HF_HUB_OFFLINE environment variable breaks Langchain's HuggingFaceEndpoints
#2590 opened by ladi-pomsar - 1
make ignore_patterns="original" the default setting for download of model weights.
#2597 opened by whitesscott