- a1waysczXin
- adolgertPittsburgh, PA
- Alex-MannToronto, Canada
- andrewb1999
- CapSylarCongo
- doyaGu
- ekiwiCornell University
- fatihgulakarIstanbul
- hossamfadeelSouth Korea
- huwdpCardiff, Wales
- Ian-Dzindo01Turin, Piedmont, Italy
- keryellAMD Research and Advanced Development
- linhuan112Shenzhen
- luuvishSeoul, Korea
- lvyisu123
- maquefelMoscow
- mfkiwl
- mithro@timvideos
- mphipps1
- nakane1chome東京都目黒区中根1丁目
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nobodywasishere@KagiSearch
- omasanoriJapan, or anywhere else
- oshears@usc-isi
- Pebaz
- philpaxAmbient
- rgb000000
- rroohhh
- sajattack
- seanjensengreySeattle, WA
- shi27fengUniversity of California Los Angeles
- sviraaj
- TheBricktop
- tianrui-wei@ucb-bar
- troyguoShanghai, China
- wxbbuaa2011UCAS