
A regular dump of the most-downloaded packages from PyPI

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Top PyPI Packages


A monthly dump of the 8,000 most-downloaded packages from PyPI:


Note: It now takes too much quota to collect data for 365 days. Those files were last updated on 2021-04-01 and have been removed. Old versions can be found in releases.

Server setup notes

From cron, it runs pypinfo to dump JSON and commit back to this repo.

Install jq

For example on Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt-get install jq

Install and set up pypinfo

Follow https://github.com/ofek/pypinfo to sign up for BigQuery, install and authenticate.

pip3 install "pypinfo>=13.0.0"
pypinfo --help
pypinfo --auth path/to/your_credentials.json

Set up this repo

git clone git@github.com:hugovk/top-pypi-packages.git
cd top-pypi-packages
git config user.name "Deploy Bot"
git config user.email "deploybot@example.com"
git config user.name
git config user.email

Run from cron

crontab -e
# First of the month
30 17 1 * * ( eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"; ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa-top-pypi-packages; /home/botuser/github/top-pypi-packages/top-pypi-packages.sh ) > /tmp/top-pypi-packages.log 2>&1


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