- abdelhai@deta
- andriyorSPD
- antogerva
- b-bordenMeta
- barnumbirrLuxembourg
- cdgriffith@rasgointelligence
- ChaiBapchyaMeta
- DivoK
- Dmitrii-ISwitzerland
- fish2000Objects in Space and Time, LLC
- GiovaLombaThe Good Company ®
- gkvoelklGermany
- hartworkBerlin, Europe
- hexazero
- hishis
- infonality@sumitovant
- j86989Poznań, Poland
- jamesdelukUK
- jayvdb@franklin-ai
- laixintaoShopee
- MHM5000@KUWAITNET @ottuco
- ming42
- mpottinger
- mrluanmaShanghai, China
- nschloeMonday Tech
- paulofreitasBrazil
- pombredanne@aboutcode-org and @nexB
- RuchirChawdhryBangalore, India
- schettino72远方
- scottbelden
- sinamoradi
- skvark@Softlandia-Ltd
- spanishgumAmazon
- sthagenSwitzerland
- tkemGraz, Austria
- verhovskyUnemployed