
CoppeliaSim control of various robots through remote API (Python) connection. UR5 industry-setting simulations.

Primary LanguagePython

🤖 Preface

  • Please consider this repository a progression of my journey in robotic simulations, starting with messing around with the p3dx, to IK tip & target tracing with the UR10, and finally a more in-depth pick and place simulation of the UR5 in an industry setting
    • UR5 Deep Fry Simulation Video v1
      • Features:
        • Performs moving, shaking, and returning of up to 2 baskets through inverse kinematics implementation
        • Allows user to select which action to perform
        • Gripper control
    • UR5 Deep Fry Simulation Video v2
      • Improvements:
        • Handles up to 4 baskets
        • Faster simulation runtime, less lag
        • Backend scheduling (via threading) to determine shake time and total number of shakes
        • Improved menu UI and new timer UI that displays type of chicken and status
        • General improvements and additions in the CoppeliaSim scene
    • UR5 Deep Fry Simulation Video v3
      • Improvements:
        • Speed control of robotic arm (range: 100 mm/s to 100,000 mm/s)
        • Improved menu UI, less clutter
        • Reduced # of unnecessary waypoints
  • Legacy remote API (not to be confused with b0 remote API) commands were used
  • Simulations in CoppeliaSim must already be running for remote API connection to work
  • sim.py, simConst.py, rempoteApi.dll must all be in workspace directory

👨🏻‍💻 Simulated Robots


  • The code for the Pioneer p3dx is able to control the speed of the left and right motors, utilize the ultrasonic sensors, and capture images (given that a vision sensor has been set up in Coppelia)

UR10 robotic arm (angular & linear)

  • The angular version of the script allows joint control based on user input (in degrees that is later converted to radians); the .py script is executable in any terminal program

  • The linear version of the script essentially allows the user to enter a set of coordinates (x, y, z) that the robotic arm will follow. Inverse kinematics with tip and target tracing was used; the .py script is executable in any terminal program

  • A few notes about the linear version:
    • Use Coppelia 4.1--the current 4.2 version doesn't support tip-target inverse kinematics, so an older version was used (older versions of CoppeliaSim can be installed online)
    • For the alpha, beta, gamma inputs in the linear version, set all of them equal to zero

UR5 robotic arm (pick and place cuboids & pick and place deep fry baskets)

  • There are three industry simulations of the UR5 performing pick and place actions
    • External libraries used: tkinter (button interface), threading (multiprocessing), colorama (optional, for terminal output colors)

❓ For any confusion on...

  • Most, if not all, functions that involve manipulating an object in CoppeliaSim in any way (changing position, velocity, etc, etc.) require obtaining that object's 'handle' with:

          returnCode, handle = sim.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, objectName, operationMode)
    • The variable 'handle' is now usable for future function calls from the sim library that require an object's handle
  • All parameters for functions in the 'sim' (in earlier versions, this was 'vrep') library can be found at the official documentation link above

  • Pretty self-explanatory, only possible confusing parts involve the sim.simx_opmode_blocking/oneshot_wait/streaming

    • Follow documentation recommendations for operation mode parameter, but from personal experience, it is best to try all the suggestions and play around with it to see which one works best
  • Inverse kinematics was used in the 4.1 .py files, which allows for two dummies to be linked as 'tip' and 'target'
    • Moreover, the 'tip' (attached at the flange of the robotic arm) will follow the 'target' by performing IK calculations
    • The method in which the linear positioning programs work is through repositioning the 'target' dummy, thus achieving the effect of the robotic arm moving to a desired coordinate
  • Why?
    • Remote API connection doesn't require the user to learn/program Lua, but rather in C++, Python, Java, or MATLAB (more commonly known languages)
    • Understanding and establishing remote API connection can not only help understand but also facilitate real-life robot control through these external programs
  • Remote API connection allows control of the CoppeliaSim software without actually interacting with the application's interface
    • In this case, Python was used to communicate between CoppeliaSim and a user interface
    • There are online guides for CoppeliaSim remote API connection in MATLAB, C++, and Java
  • Certain conditions must be met for remote API connection to work, including:
    • Correct files in workplace directory

    • Correct command in the child script of any object in the scene (connected to port 19999)

    • Simulation already running before executing a Python program

  • A newer and more flexible method to utilize remote API was released, the BlueZero interface
    • The b0-based remote API connection utilizes a similar but different library and also requires a resolver to be running
    • Attempting to run the programs in this repository with b0-based software will not work !!
  • Credits to Mechatronics Ninja on YT for providing the code for the move_L function in MATLAB which I then translated to Python

CoppeliaSim Lag

  • The CoppeliaSim software is CPU-intensive, so if you're operating on a low/medium-end computer, you can do the following to increase simulation FPS:
    • Decrease the actual window size as small as possible
    • Zoom in to the scene itself as much as possible
    • Refrain from adding any external textures (My Deep Fry v1 video showcases how much lag it can produce...)
    • Remove unnecessary objects/disable unnecessary child scripts

General questions

  • I highly recommend posting a question on the CoppeliaSim Forums with any Coppelia software-related questions
  • It is also suggested to refer to all the hyperlinks above with any general questions about CoppeliaSim/API connection/inverse kinematics/robotic arm movements