- 1
Use Treesitter Syntax Highlighting
#38 opened by a-priestley - 0
[Sugestion] Custom providers!
#37 opened by joaomendoncaa - 0
database (feature)
#36 opened by lu5her-s - 1
- 7
Model Picker Does Not Populate
#26 opened by a-priestley - 6
Error on accepting output of "edit"
#18 opened by zsmatrix62 - 3
I can't use OGPTRun command with Gemini
#21 opened by Lautron - 19
Error when configuring plugin.
#15 opened by madsamjp - 10
Overriding some actions wont work...
#11 opened by JoseConseco - 4
Cant change default model?
#9 opened by JoseConseco