- 1
Add a default name from settings menu
#35 opened by Dhairyasarous - 0
- 0
Need some music to play during gameplay
#32 opened by huzefa - 0
- 1
Visually Appealing 3 Seconds Countdown
#18 opened by Dhairyasarous - 4
The difficulty level needs to be smoothed out.
#13 opened by huzefa - 3
Play sound during game play on button press
#29 opened by Dhairyasarous - 4
- 2
Settings menu
#30 opened by Dhairyasarous - 0
- 4
Button disabled not clear when timer expires.
#27 opened by huzefa - 0
Application icon required
#31 opened by huzefa - 0
- 0
- 1
Pause menu functionality
#3 opened by huzefa - 0
Investigate using handlers instead of timers for a possible performance boost in core game logic.
#15 opened by huzefa - 0
- 4
- 0
- 1
High score activity to display name and score
#17 opened by huzefa - 1
State changes for buttons and animations.
#9 opened by huzefa - 0
General / Initial commit [DO NOT CLOSE]
#1 opened by huzefa - 0
Do the high score calculations in a different thread since they have a high impact on performance.
#20 opened by huzefa - 0
RNG may infinitely recurse
#16 opened by huzefa - 1
- 1
Add homescreen / start menu functionality
#2 opened by huzefa - 1
Two high scores with same value.
#21 opened by Dhairyasarous - 5
Store high score in persistent memory
#11 opened by huzefa - 0
- 1
- 2
No more buttons show up after 4-5 buttons.
#10 opened by huzefa - 1
- 3
Add basic functionality for gameplay
#5 opened by huzefa - 3
- 2
RNG gives invalid values
#6 opened by huzefa