A curated list of resources for text detection/recognition (optical character recognition ) with deep learning methods.
- A-Schmid
- aaronjie
- andybelovApron
- artu001null
- AvenSunCA
- baiyongruiGuangzhou
- benzwt
- billyzju
- cheneyls
- chengstoneTokyo
- cqwelly
- iryek219Robotus
- JamesZhang-NautoNauto
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- jim-j-james
- justicelee
- liushuchun鲲言智能
- luyang
- manoel6neto
- michalwolsNew York
- mohammedayub44National Fire Protection Association
- moses-sun
- neouyghurQUT SAIVT Lab.
- onkarmishra
- passionzhanBeijing, China
- pinderpeng
- prianchoKakaoBrain
- riskycheng
- sebconortParis
- sir-deenicus
- stellar2012wxg
- topojoy
- wangqiang1588
- xmubingo
- zfalcon