
Draw in the browser, display on an OLED hardware screen.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


oledjs-designer helps you draw graphics for small monochrome OLED screens. It's built for use with oled.js, a super-rad library for drawing to OLEDs via Javascript.

  • Use a touchscreen stylus, tablet, or mouse to draw screens directly in the browser
  • Draw on a canvas that matches one of several selectable OLED sizes, pixel for pixel
  • Import or export your drawings as Javascript ready for use with oled-js



  1. Design your image on the oledjs-designer website, then click "Save image buffer" to download the file. The file is saved with the file extension .js.txt.

  2. Remove the .txt extension from the file and include it in your oledjs project folder.

  3. Include the file at the top of your code like so:

const mydrawing = require('path/to/image');
  1. After initializing the OLED, draw the buffer to the screen like so:
oled.buffer = mydrawing;

The file examplebuffer.js.txt, included in this repo, is available for you to use for testing the tools.


  • DONE! Choose from multiple OLED resolutions
  • DONE! Upload a .js buffer file for editing/preview
  • DONE! Draw with tablet stylus with less difficulty
  • DONE! Add erase tool
  • Improve UI
  • Fix accidental div dragging
  • Upload a .png
  • Select different color schemes, including color-banded monochrome displays
  • Add more drawing tools
  • Add onion-skinned frames for animations (via drawing or .png upload)