
Use ONLY Version 5.5.1f1 of Unity(https://unity3d.com/get-unity/update) to avoid version collision.

Features (Scene WorkerExample):

Task system

  1. Attack.
  2. Collect resources.
  3. Go to.

Unit logic

  1. Worker: Collects resources and defends when attacked.
  2. Enemy: Defends when attacked. Attacks enemy units or base when within a certain radius. Roams around randomly.

TODO: Implement waypoints for the enemy AI.

NavMesh navigation

All units use a NavMeshController and scenes are pre-baked into NavMeshes.

Basic combat system

Only melee combat for now.

Basic GUI system

Simple UI for both in-game and menu.

Camera controls and input

Selectable objects with mouse. Movable camera with keyboard (WASD and arrow keys).