A curated list of amazing Homomorphic Encryption libraries, software and resources
- HElib - Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) scheme.
- SEAL - "FullRNS" optimization of Fan-Vercauteren (FV) scheme.
- FHEW - Fully HE library.
- HEAAN - Scheme with native support for fixed point approximate arithmetic.
- Λ ○ λ - Haskell library for ring-based lattice cryptography that supports FHE.
- NFLlib - NTT-based Fast Lattice library.
- PALISADE - lattice encryption library.
- tfhe - Faster fully HE: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds.
- Pyfhel - PYthon For HELib.
- libshe - Symmetric somewhat HE library based on DGHV scheme.
- cuHE - GPU-accelerated HE library for NVIDIA CUDA-Enabled GPUs.
- cuYASHE - Based on leveled fully HE scheme YASHE for GPGPUs.
- python-paillier - Partially HE based on Paillier scheme.
- krypto - C++ implementation of multivariate quadratic FHE.
- petlib - Python library that implements a number of Privacy Enhancing Technologies.
- OpenMined - Decentralized data ownership & intelligence based on HE, blockchain and deep / federated learning.
- Cingulata - Compiler toolchain and RTE for running C++ programs over encrypted data.
- crypto-geofence - Geo-fencing demo application based on Paillier scheme.
- CryptDB - Protecting Confidentiality with Encrypted Query Processing.
- ZeroDB - E2E encrypted database using proxy re-encryption.
- Prisma/DB - Security layer for relational database systems.
- encrypted-mongodb - Wrapper on MongoDB's Python driver that enables to query encrypted data.
- Gentry, Craig. A fully homomorphic encryption scheme. Stanford University, 2009.
- Barthelemy, Lucas. Brief survey of Fully HE. 2016.
- awesome-cryptography
- awesome-crypto-papers
- awesome-mpc - Multi-Party Computation.
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