
Primary LanguageShell


This is a bash wrapper for the pandoc tool. Usually, I take notes or writing reports in markdown, in order to have them in cross platform plain text, and more readable from latex. Markdown and using of pandoc for producing pdf, docx, latex, html files etc is a great choice for basic notes and reports (there are some limitations for more sophisticated documents).

So, this is the script I wrote in order to compile multiple md files at once and choosing between latex templates.


Install depedencies:

sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-citeproc

Download scripts in the desired installation directory and run the install script in order to create the directories in a desired path

git clone https://github.com/iSaran/notetaking.git
cd notetaking
./install.sh workspace/path


The installation script adds to your path the notebuild script which builds your markdown files.

Being inside your workspace you can run:


Or you can use a flag to define more options. For instance if you want to use the template for a formal report, use:

notebuild -t formal_report

For more options use the -h flag:

notebuild -h