
Take screenshots from within Vim and insert an embedded image link to the created screenshot file.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin to easily take screenshots with vimwiki and link them.

What it does

Takes a screenshot using a CLI screenshot program, and saves that screenshot to a configurable directory based on vimwiki-dir. If the file exists (i.e. action not aborted), an embedded image link to that file is inserted as new line below the current line.


  • :VimwikiScreenshot will let you take a screenshot, saves it to <vimwiki_path>/<vimwiki_screenshot_directory>
  • Specify a screenshot program: let g:vimwiki_screenshot_program = <CLI call to the program accepting a destination file as arg>
  • Specify the file name format: let g:vimwiki_screenshot_directory = <sub-directory from vimwiki-dir to place screenshots in>
  • Specify the file name format: let g:vimwiki_screenshot_nameformat = <datetime name format, e.g. %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S (default)>


Using vim-plug

" load after vimwiki/vimwiki
Plug 'iaamp/vimwiki-screenshot


Known Limitations & Future Work

  • currently tested only with gnome-screenshot program

known conflicts

  • none so far, it is a very small plugin


Copyright (c) Alexander Moortgat-Pick. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.