A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for (Neo)vim
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How to add a new file type?
#64 opened by bitterjug - 0
- 1
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wrong link in FAQ
#63 opened by pang-thebasement - 0
Feature request: support nvim-lsp
#61 opened by narutohahahaha - 0
How to install in Neovim
#60 opened by sajadspeed - 0
Common words reported as misspelled
#58 opened by kellyiscute - 0
[request] dart support
#57 opened by AdrienLemaire - 0
- 0
- 1
cSpell.addWordToDictionary not works
#22 opened by xaljer - 0
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How can I keep the indent width of cSpell.userWords in coc-settings.json consistent with the whole file?
#48 opened by xbot - 0
Deprecation of workspace.createStatusBarItem
#47 opened by andys8 - 1
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[Question] How may I select which cSpell.<CocCommandName> get shown in the actions?
#43 opened by axrt - 0
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Feature request: Please provide a state variable to indicate whether spell checking is enabled.
#39 opened by jackhub - 1
Not working in Git COMMIT_EDITMSG
#24 opened by vegerot - 3
Change latex languageId in the default settings
#25 opened by nvblanco - 1
Add an option to enable it in any language, instead of using `enabledLanguageIds`
#11 opened by lucasdf - 0
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Allow enable/disable through command line
#31 opened by Niklas81 - 1
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need add Lorem in dictionary
#28 opened by neuromagus - 0
{project}/.vim/cSpell.json not work?
#16 opened by jessun - 1
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Word selection is slow
#12 opened by Praful - 0
How to find the part of cspell.json ?
#17 opened by collegeimprovements - 1
Feature: Exclude import statements
#14 opened by esetnik - 0
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404 for spell checker
#10 opened by bearcatsandor - 1
Change gutter sign
#4 opened by marklcrns - 3
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Is there “add to dict" method?
#3 opened by xaljer - 2
Global dictionary relative to home directory
#7 opened by ianhomer - 1
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Install with vim plug?
#5 opened by Avi-D-coder - 0
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#1 opened by iamcco