
Validate, package and deploy your Qlik Sense Visualization Extension projects with ease.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Validate, package and deploy your Qlik Sense Visualization Extension projects with ease.


Main purpose of this library is to provide a framework to easily

  • prepare
  • package and
  • deploy

Visualization Extensions created for Qlik Sense.

The implementation is a based on the deployment functionality in the Yeoman Generator for Visualization Extensions.

The main reason behind creating this library is that I am creating a lot of different visualization extensions for Qlik Sense, but in any of these projects I include some kind of deployment system (so far always using grunt). If I have to make changes to the general deployment approach I have to change every single visualization extension repository, which is not really ideal. So introducing this library centralizes the deployment needs and allows me to re-use a central approach.

Technically speaking sense-go is just a collection of configurable gulp tasks which can be easily re-used and extended when developing your Qlik Sense visualization extensions.

What does it do for you?

Imagine you have the following requirements:

  • Convert .less to .css
  • Import external dependencies like libraries, images, fonts, etc.
  • Minify/Uglify all your code
  • Package your extension to a .zip file
  • Deploy to
    • Qlik Sense Deskto
    • To a Qlik Sense server
    • To a remote machine
  • Publishing to npm
  • Watch changes and automatically re-run building & packaging

sense-go does all this for you as one very simple command line tool, fully configurable to meet your needs:



sense-go is built on top of Node.js

Package installation

Install sense-go as a global package

$ npm install -g sense-go


There are basically three different approaches to use sense-go.

  • CLI with default configuration: Just run sense-go in the command line and use the default settings and follow the conventions
  • CLI with custom configuration: Place a .sense-go.yml file into the root folder of your project and customize the settings, then just run sense-go
  • Programmatic usage: Place a sense-go.js file into the root folder of your project, load the default tasks and add custom tasks, then just run sense-go

CLI with default configuration

Nothing special to explain, just run sense-go in the command line in the root of your project. The default configuration will be considered. Also have a look at

CLI with custom configuration

Place a .sense-go.yml file in the root folder of your project:

The easiest way to start with your custom configuration is to copy the default configuration file and start modifying it. But keep in mind, following the conventions, you should only need to adapt a few of the default configurations.

Programmatic usage

If you want to add custom gulp tasks, this is the way to go.

  • Create a file sense-go.js in the root of your project based on the following skeleton:
'use strict';
var senseGo = require( 'sense-go' );
var gulp = senseGo.gulp; // Get the reference to the gulp instance used in sense-go

senseGo.init( function () {

	// Now all default tasks are loaded, can be modified or new ones can be added
	// Run your tasks, e.g. with

Pass in a custom configuration as object

In your sense-go.js pass in a custom configuration object to senseGo.init as follows:

'use strict';
var senseGo = require('./lib/');

var customConfig = {
  deployment: {
    toLocal: {
      enabled: true

// customConfig will be used to overwrite existing settings from the default-settings.
// Any setting not being defined in your custom configuration will be taken from the default settings.
senseGo.init( customConfig, function () {

Load configuration from a file:

'use strict';
var senseGo = require('./lib/');

var customConfig = senseGo.loadYml( path.join(__dirname, 'custom-config.yml'));

senseGo.init( customConfig, function () {

Add custom tasks

'use strict';
var senseGo = require('./lib/');
var gulp = senseGo.gulp; // Get the reference to the gulp instance used in sense-go

senseGo.init( function () {

	// Create a new custom task
	gulp.task('custom', function( done ) {
		console.log('Custom Task');
	// Create a custom task chain, re-using 'build'
	gulp.task('customBuild', gulp.series(['custom', 'build']));
	// Run it ...


The entire concept follows conventions (or best practices) being used when setting up a project:

|-- build			<= all builds, including source code or zipped files
    |-- dev			<= target for the development build
    |-- release		<= target for the release build
|-- docs			<= documentation files, then used by verb
|-- src				<= all source files
    |-- lib
		|-- css		<= see below *
        |-- less    <= less files
| .sense-go.yml		<= sense-go configuration file
| .verb.md			<= verbs readme template
| package.json

* If using less files is preferred for a project, I keep this folder empty, otherwise all the .css files will be place here

sense-go works best if you follow these conventions, but everything is configurable, it's just a bit more work to get sense-go running.

Basic workflow

The workflow of the pre-configured tasks can be summarized as follows:

  • You develop in the .src folder
  • Whenever you want to test or deploy, use a one-liner in your command line: sense-go
    • This will
      • Convert .less files to .css files
      • Lint, Minify, Ugilify the output
      • Create a .zip file to distribute your visualization extension
      • ... a lot of other neat tasks ... fully customizable ...
  • Then the extension is automatically being deployed
    • To the local extension directory (Qlik Sense Desktop)
    • Imported to the Qlik Sense Server (using the Qlik Sense Repository API)
    • to other destinations, like via SSH
  • You can test the extension

It is important to mention that you can by 100% re-define the workflow and also all default settings, but the idea of sense-go is really to get something up and running across different projects with as little configuration and development work as possible. So choose custom configurations wisely.

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes the following happens:

  • All relevant content of the src folder is copied to a temporary folder .tmp
  • Then in the .tmp folder some transformation of existing files happens
  • As soon as this is done, files are copied to a .build folder ( .build/dev in case of the dev strategy, .build/release in case of the release strategy)
  • Then the enabled deployment tasks start
    • Copy all files to the local Qlik Sense Desktop
    • Deployment to any server using the QRS API
    • Deployment to any other server using SSH
  • (All temporary folders (like .tmp) are deleted)


There are three categories of tasks:

  • Building: Build the solution (either for debugging or release) before you deploy.
  • Deployment: Deploy the solution to different targets.
  • Publishing & Tools: Some helpers to publish the solution.



Cleaning and deleting folders.


  • Delete the entire .tmp directory.
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir


  • Deletes all files in the ./build/dev directory.
  • Options used:
    • buildDevDir


  • Deletes all files in the ./build/release directory.
  • Options used:
    • buildReleaseDir


  • Deletes all files in the project's local extension folder. Only makes sense if using deployment to a local Qlik Sense Desktop. Disabled if deployment.toLocal.enabled === true.
  • Options used:
    • deployment.toLocal.enabled
    • deployment.toLocal.extensionBaseDir


  • Clean all files in the .tmp directory which are not supposed to be deployed to the extension directory.
  • These are all files, except files with the following file extension:
    • {png,jpg,jpeg,json,qext,txt,js,css,eot,svg,ttf,woff,html,htm,wbl,svg}


Copy files to a specific directory.


  • Copies all files (except the excluded ones) from the src folder to the .tmp folder.
  • Options used:
    • srcDir
    • tmpDir
  • Excluded files:
    • *.less


  • Copies all files (except the excluded ones) from the .tmp folder to .\build\dev folder.
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir
    • buildDevDir
  • Excluded files:
    • *.less


  • Copies all files (except the excluded ones) from the .tmp folder to .\build\release folder.
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir
    • buildReleaseDir
  • Excluded files:
    • *.less


Import files to the deployment.

import The main use-case behind the import task is to be able to import "external" files from external dependencies (e.g. node_modules or bower) into the .tmp directory to use them in the solution.

Define the file you want to import in your .sense-go.yml file as follows:


    - ["./node_modules/d3/d3.min.js", "./.tmp/lib/external/d3/d3.min.js"]
    - ["./node_modules/moment/min/moment.min.js", "./.tmp/lib/external/moment/moment.min.js"]


Replaces string patterns in text files across the project. **replace:tmp`**

  • Use `@@ to prefix the key to be replaced with a given value in the source code
  • Replacements will only be performed in the following file types:
    • .html
    • .js
    • .json
    • .qext
    • .txt
    • .xml
    • .yml

Using data from package.json All keys from your package.json file are available out of the box if you use the prefix pkg

  • To get the version, use @@pkg.version
  • To the get name, use @@pkg.name
  • etc.

Example using package.json:

console.log('Extension @@pkg.name, version @@pkg.version');

given the following package.json

  "name": "my-extension",
  "version": "0.1.0"

will return

Extension my-extension, version 0.1.0

Builtin patterns The following patterns are available out of the box:

@@timestamp - Defaults to new Date().getTime()

Adding replacement patterns Add new replacements patterns in your .sense-go.yml file:

    test1: bla bla
    var1: true
    var2: "Whatever comes here"

Then in your e.g. JavaScript file use the replacements:

console.log('custom.test1', '@@custom.test1');
console.log('custom2.var2', '@@custom2.var1');
console.log('custom2.var2', '@@custom2.var2');

Will return:

bla bla
Whatever comes here


Converts .less files to .css files.

All less tasks automatically autoprefix (using gulp-autoprefixer)


  • Uses /src/less/main.less, resolves all its dependencies and creates /.tmp/css/main.css
  • Options used:
    • srcDir
    • tmpDir


  • Converts every .less file from the source directory to a corresponding .css file in the .tmp directory.
  • Options used:
    • srcDir
    • tmpDir


Uglify & minifies JavaScript files


  • Uglify all JavaScript files.
  • Options:
    • tmpDir
    • uglify* - All options directly passed to gulp-uglify, e.g.
      • uglify.mangle
      • uglify.beautify
      • uglify.preserveComments
  • Excluded:
    • All files matching the pattern *.min.js


Several minification tasks


  • Minifies all htm/html files in the tmp folder.
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir


  • Minify .json & .qext files.
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir


Create a wbfolder.wbl file to be used in Dev Hub - Extension Editor.


  • Creates a wbfolder.wbl file in the .tmp directory.
  • Options used:
    • wbfolder.enabled- Whether the task is enabled or not, defaults to true.
    • wbfolder.cwd - Working directory, defaults to ./.tmp.
    • wbfolder.src - Source mask, defaults to ./**/*.*.
    • wbfolder.dest - wbfolder.wbl file destination, defaults to ./.tmp/wbfolder.wbl.

Note: The wbfolder.wbl file is only necessary if you want to allow users to open your visualization extension in Qlik Dev Hub. wbfolder.wbl is NOT required and necessary to run your visualization extension in Qlik Sense.


Create .zip files based on the building strategy


  • Creates a zip file following the pattern "%packageName%_dev.zip" (e.g. "my-extension_dev.zip")
  • This task is used in the pre-built task-chain build and will create the output of the build-strategy "dev"
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir
    • buildDir
    • packageName


  • Creates a zip file following the pattern "%packageName%_v%pkg.version%.zip" (e.g. "my-extension_v0.12.1.zip")
  • This task is used in the pre-built task-chain release and creates a packaged version of your current version
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir
    • buildDir
    • packageName
    • pkg.version


  • Create a zip file following the pattern "%packageName%_latest.zip" (e.g. "my-extension_latest.zip")
  • Useful to have a provide a link to the always latest version
  • Options used:
    • tmpDir
    • buildDir
    • packageName


Publishing & Tools


Bumps the version in your package.json file


  • Changes the version in package.json from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2
  • Shortcuts: sense-go b or sense-go b:p


  • Changes the version in package.json from 0.2.1 to 0.3.1
  • Shortcut: sense-go b:min


  • Changes the version in package.json from 0.2.1 to 1.0.0
  • Shortcut: sense-go b:maj


  • Set the package.json version to a specific value given by the parameter --newversion resp. --nv.
  • Shortcut: sense-go b:v


$ sense-go bump:version --newversion=0.1.0
$ sense-go b:v --nv=0.1.0

Possible command line parameters


  • Tags the current version of your commit with the newly created version created by any of the bump-tasks.

--commit="Your commit message"

  • Commits all files with the given commit message, if no commit message is defined, "." will be committed as a message.

Task Chains

Based on gulp tasks provided by sense-go you can then create your task chains. Some are already predefined:

sense-go build


Create your own task-chains

You can add additional tasks on top of sense-go, mixing your very own tasks with sense-go tasks, etc.

  • Always initialize a task chain with the init task
  • When creating your own tasks, note that sense-go relies on Gulp4


Use your own gulpfile.js (be aware that sense-go uses gulp 4.0 beta):

'use strict';
var senseGo = require( 'sense-go' );
var gulp = senseGo.gulp;
var path = require( 'path' );

var customConfig = senseGo.loadYml( path.join( __dirname, 'custom-config.yml') );

senseGo.init( customConfig,  function (  ) {
  gulp.task('myTask', function() {
  } );
  // Create your own task chain, and overwrite the current task chain 'build'
  gulp.task( 'build', gulp.series( 
    'myTask'        // <== Load your own custom task and mix it with existing ones 
  ) );
  // Run your task

Then run sense-go build in the CLI.

Used Gulp plugins

sense-go is heavily relying on existing gulp plugins. A big thank you to the authors of these plugins!!





babel: Turn ES6 code into readable vanilla ES5 with source maps | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue. The process for contributing is outlined below:

  1. Create a fork of the project
  2. Work on whatever bug or feature you wish
  3. Create a pull request (PR)

I cannot guarantee that I will merge all PRs but I will evaluate them all.


Stefan Walther


Copyright © 2016, Stefan Walther.
Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb, v0.9.0, on July 14, 2016.