RGB to RGBW Translation / Conversion, as well as operating with HSV / HSI / HSL / HEX color spaces. With a focus towards LED based projects, but is a helpful color module as well. And a growing vein of generative ansi art!
- aaheli8
- aduecho
- AlexandruIacobescuTimișoara
- aroom
- bitm0deTBD Enterprises Inc.
- Butters3388214
- cansik@bildspur
- carlfriessETH Zürich
- changjiuyhangzhou china
- christophepersozFrance, Lyon area
- dairyleaDunkanPlymouth, UK
- dcbishopMelbourne, Australia
- digitalnomad91CodeBuilder, Inc.
- EDelsmanThe Netherlands
- fgieringAdonia e.V.
- flooleanBerlin
- FrazTheWizardAdelaide, Australia
- gurki
- Hantoo
- hartl3y94Hartley94
- hautetechniqueHaute Technique
- iamh2oDaylily Informatics
- jheidt@effectualinc
- JKKproject
- muexxl
- ns2gupta@Snoc-inc
- OrhideousKyiv, Ukraine
- RVeipsCFXS
- Staszek-org
- supersorbet
- Themis3000Minneapolis, MN
- thk-socal
- wasauce
- weirdmannPoland
- westernmonsterChina
- yeataro遊樂製品 ChillProduction