

  1. Start a rosmaster in a terminal.
  2. Go to the launch folder in this package and start the realsense.
    cd ~/franka_realsense_test/launch
    roslaunch realsense.launch
  3. Check that the realsense is running using rqt_image_view or rqt or rviz.
  4. Rostopic echo the camera_info and make sure the config/realsense.intr file matches the output (The first number in K is fx, the third number in K is cx, the fifth number in K in fy, and the 6th number in K is cy).
    rostopic echo /camera/color/camera_info
  5. Start Frankapy as usual.
    cd Prog/frankapy
    ./bash_scripts/ -u student -i iam-<robot_name>
  6. Enter the virtual environment and enter this folder.
    cd ~/franka_realsense_test
  7. Run the example script with a wooden block on the table.
    python scripts/
  8. Click on the center of the block in the image that pops up and then press enter.
  9. The robot should go pick up the top of the block.