
This is a collection of all python programmes done in MPIII lab, SEM IV.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Mathematical Physics III lab

Algoritms listed

  1. Least Squre Fit: this algorithm is is used to plot the polinomial of gievn data points such that the standerd deviation is minimum.

  2. Shooting Algorithm: This algorithms use linear regression to solve ODE with boundary value problems.

  3. Solving 2nd Order ODE using Finite Diff MEthod: This is done is FiniteDiffrence.ipynb

  4. Solving Parital Diffretntial Equations

    1. Laplace Equation
    2. Heat Equation
    3. Wave Equation
  5. Gaussian Quadrature Integration

  6. Monte Carlo Simulation to calculate pi

  7. Monte Carlo Integration

  8. Interpolation

  9. Plotting the solutions of Quantuam Harmonic Oscillator

  10. Solving Linear Equations: Using gaussian Elimination