IBM Cloud Mobile Service - AppLaunch Android Client SDK

Build Status JitPack

This Android SDK for App Launch on IBM Cloud services, provides a library for developers to build mobile applications on Android devices.

App Launch on IBM Cloud services enables the developers to build engaging apps by controlling reach and roll out of App features while measuring the defined metrics.

Ensure that you go through IBM Cloud App Launch service documentation before you start.

Build Status

Master Development
Build Status Build Status


##Setup App Launch Service

Creating the service

Create feature

Creating a feature

Create feature

Creating an audience

Create audience

Creating an engagement

Create engagement



The Android SDKs for IBM Cloud Mobile services is available via JitPack.


To install Applaunch Android SDK using jitpack

  1. In the projects build.gradle file include:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
    	maven { url '' }
  2. Add Bluemix App Launch Android SDK dependency and BMS Core dependency to your app module build.gradle file.

    dependencies {
        compile ''
        compile '[2.0.0,3.0.0)'
  3. Add the following permissions inside application's AndroidManifest.xml file.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>

Enabling Android applications to use IBM App Launch

Initializing the AppLaunch SDK

A common place to put the initialization code is theonCreate() method of your Android application:

1. Build Configuration Object
AppLaunchConfig appLaunchConfig = new AppLaunchConfig.Builder().eventFlushInterval(10).cacheExpiration(10).fetchPolicy(RefreshPolicy.REFRESH_ON_EVERY_START).deviceId("454dfidif0e-3r3434-3434343").build();

The AppLaunchConfig builder is used to customize the following:

  • eventFlushInterval : Sets/Decide the time interval on when the events should be sent to the server. The default value is 30 minutes.

  • cacheExpiration : Sets/Decide the time interval until when the actions should be valid for. The default value is 30 minutes.

    Note This parameter is effective only if the fetch policy is set to RefreshPolicy.REFRESH_ON_EXPIRY or RefreshPolicy.BACKGROUND_REFRESH

  • fetchPolicy : This parameter decides on how frequently the actions should be fetched from the server. The values can be one of the following:




    To enable BACKGROUND_REFRESH include the following in the applications AndroidManifest.xml.


    The default value is RefreshPolicy.REFRESH_ON_EVERY_START.

  • deviceId: This parameter must be unique. If not specified, default deviceID generation mechanism is used by SDK.

    Note: Do not rely on the default implementation of the deviceID generation mechanism as it is not guarenteed to be unique.

2. Build User Object
AppLaunchUser appLaunchUser = new AppLaunchUser.Builder().userId("norton").custom("type","premium").build();

The AppLaunchUser builder is used to provide the following information:

  • userId: The user to be registered

  • custom: This can be used to pass any optional custom user attributes.

3. Initialize App Launch SDK
AppLaunch.getInstance().initialize(getApplication(), "bluemixRegionSuffix","appGUID","clientSecret",appLaunchConfig,appLaunchUser,AppLaunchListener);

Where region parameter specifies the location where the app is hosted. You can use any of the following values:

  • ICRegion.US_SOUTH
  • ICRegion.SYDNEY

The appGUID is the app launch app GUID value, while clientSecret is the appLaunch client secret value which can be obtained from the service console.

AppLaunchListener is the call back listener which will be used to notify in case of success and failure events. Pass the instance of the class implementing the AppLaunchListener interface.

Feature toggle

  • Use the AppLaunch.sharedInstance.isFeatureEnabled(featureCode: "feature code") to check if the feature is enabled for the app.

  • Use the AppLaunch.sharedInstance.getPropertyofFeature(featureCode: "feature code", propertyCode: "property code") to get the value of the particular property in a feature.

Note :The above two APIs throws AppLaunchException exception if isFeatureEnabled or getPropertyofFeature is invoked before init API.


To send metrics to the server use the AppLaunch.sharedInstance.sendMetrics() API. This API call sends the metrics information to the server.

 AppLaunch.getInstance().sendMetrics(ArrayList<String> metrics);

Note : The above API throws AppLaunchException error if sendMetrics is invoked before init API.

InApp Messages

To display InApp messages invoke the following api


Note : Here the context is the Activities context.


This method unregisters the user from AppLaunch Service and clears the cache


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