#ziplib is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
- AllanSamurai
- apocrypha
- christophwilleAustria
- cjpxyz
- commodus
- dmwulgoWulgo Consulting
- githubsdk
- GodZzaGodZza
- GuoHuiChen
- IanYatesMedical IT Pty Ltd
- ignatandreiRomania
- irajabTripoli, Lebanon
- jdehaanAlps Alpine Europe GmbH
- jfreillyNew Zealand
- jhcloos
- justinhachemeisterWindsor, Colorado
- kbaniszackFrance
- liange
- lyekka
- meikeric
- michelangelo13
- mymbrooksRuibu,Inc.
- Neustradamus
- pikselpiksel bitworks
- PWagner1East Sussex, UK
- rentocika
- riverstoreViet Nam
- rmboggs
- sealong
- send2vinnie
- SKorolchuk
- slamj1SaasyCloud™.com
- smartmeter
- yonglehou
- yyda
- ZinniaSun2000