
Path planning algorithms like A*, D*, Dijkstra, RRT, etc using ROS on custom robot.

Path Planning Repository for custom robot


This repository utilizes path planning algorithms for navigation. This README provides instructions on how to set up and run the simulation.


1. Clone Repository

Clone the Navogenius and path planning repositories using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/bitcurious/NavoGenius.git
git clone https://github.com/bitcurious/Path-Planning.git

after cloning do catkin_make

2. Launch Simulation

opem a terminal and run following command

roslaunch myrobot_description gazebo.launch

3. Launch Navigation with different Path Planning algorithms

To enable navigation with different path planning algorithms, run the following command:

roslaunch path_planning path_planning.launch

It will open a rviz window select 2D Nav Goal button and select the goal position on the map.


In the path_planning/scripts/path_planning_server.py file, locate line 42 and change the algorithm to your desired one (e.g., astar, dijkstra, rrt).