- 19
- 1
#36 opened by marvellee1 - 5
Reproduce Nas
#35 opened by sdreamforchen - 2
I have a question. why the model's syncflow closer to 0 is better than other models whose absolute value of syncflow is much larger than 0?
#34 opened by 96jhwei - 6
GENet how to use soft-labels
#24 opened by bigcash - 5
- 0
Does this mean that if I design MLP the way DeepMAD does, the network width of the MLP will increase as the depth increases?
#33 opened by kennyorn1 - 4
The setting for num param=0.5m
#31 opened by dzk9528 - 3
Is Attention Block in your search space?
#30 opened by dzk9528 - 11
- 2
A training question about GENet
#29 opened by FisherWY - 2
How to do `entropy_forward` for CSP network?
#27 opened by 1chimaruGin - 4
How to search in HardNet space?
#26 opened by 1chimaruGin - 4
- 2
- 5
Hi MingLin
#19 opened by billbig - 1
Custom Dataset Question
#22 opened - 2
Does ZenScore Support MobileNet-like Search Space?
#21 opened by pprp - 1
How does zen nas perform in detection tasks
#18 opened by Akon-Fiber - 1
Some simple quetions about val
#20 opened by jetyang0729 - 2
- 3
#15 opened by farhad-dalirani - 2
File module missing
#14 opened by fly2tortoise - 1
- 3
Some simple questions
#12 opened by fly2tortoise - 2
search problem
#13 opened by xmyyzy123 - 2
Search in RegNet Space
#9 opened by soyebn - 1
- 1
evolution search speed
#8 opened by lyg95 - 9
multi-gpu training
#7 opened by soyebn - 6
Deeper and wider network has higher accuracy?
#6 opened by buaabai - 3
Same search space used in as well as in
#5 opened by soyebn - 2
The training top-1 accuracy is only 80% in cifar100. Did we make a mistake or miss something?
#3 opened by zkf331 - 1
- 1
#2 opened by sunshine-zkf - 2
any plan to release search code?
#1 opened by luuuyi