
Representations of columns (as factors and units).

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Representations of columns (as factors and units).
📦 Node.js, 📜 Files.

This is part of package ifct2017.
Online database: ifct2017.github.io.

const representations = require('@ifct2017/representations');
// representations(query)
// → {type, factor, unit} if found, null otherwise

// { type: 'mass', factor: 1000, unit: 'mg' }

representations('representation of vitamin d?');
representations('what is unit of ergocalciferol?');
// { type: 'mass', factor: 1000000000, unit: 'ng' }

// Note:
// type:   Type of physical quantity
// factor: Multiplication factor
// unit:   Unit symbol
// Additional methods:
representations.load() // → corpus
representations.sql([table], [options]) // → sql statements
representations.csv() // → path of csv file


Data was obtained from the book Indian Food Composition Tables 2017.
Food composition values were measured by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.