A Virtual Reality game/scenario on a Boat, driving the boat and exploring the melting icebergs and polluted oceans.
A Sea environment where the player navigates a boat.
The surroundings are icebergs that melt, some animated animals are present.
The player can pick up some objects floating.
Built during VR Hackathon Climate Change 20-21/08/2022.
- VR Virtual-Reality
- Climate Change
- Unity 2021.3
- Oculus Quest 2
Download the .apk in releases and install it in the VR Headset. Or if you have installed SideQuest in your VR, add it to your library.
- clone the repository
- open with UnityHub
- go to [Installs], select your version (shold be 2021 or more, if not:[install editor]->2021.3.21) -> click the gear ⚙️ -> Add modules
- check Android build support with the two submodules
- check Windows build support (IL2CPP)
- click continue and install
- open the project: [Projects]-> double click "VR-Boat" or [Open]->select VR-Boat folder
- go to File -> Bulid Settings
- check there is "MainScene" in Scenes in Build, or add it with "Add Open Scenes"
- select platform: Android
- set texture compression: ASTC
- plug your QUEST device (in developer mode) with a usb cable
- select run device: "Oculus Quest 2"
- in bottom left corner change "Max Texture Size" to Max 2048
- click Switch Platform
- go to File -> Bulid Settings -> Build and Run
if you have trouble, follow this tutorial
to speed up the boat.xyxy
to skip to the sea-raised scenario.
- Links
- Resources
{% include_cached snippets/masonry.html internal="gallery" %}
- Igor Lirussi @ BOUN Boğaziçi University - BuViar Lab
- İpek Paksoy @ BOUN Boğaziçi University - BuViar Lab
- The organizers of the event and the experts involved.
- All the people that contributed with suggestions and tips.
This project is licensed - see the LICENSE file for details.