
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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Paintera example with meshes for multiple neurons and synapses


Paintera is a general visualization tool for 3D volumetric data and proof-reading in segmentation/reconstruction with a primary focus on neuron reconstruction from electron micrographs in connectomics. It features/supports (unchecked boxes mean planned but not yet implemented)

  • Views of orthogonal 2D cross-sections of the data at arbitrary angles and zoom levels
  • Mipmaps for efficient display of arbitrarily large data at arbitrary scale levels
  • Label data
    • Painting
    • Manual agglomeration
    • 3D visualization as polygon meshes
      • Meshes for each mipmap level
      • Mesh generation on-the-fly via marching cubes to incorporate painted labels and agglomerations in 3D visualization. Marching Cubes is parallelized over small blocks. Only relevant blocks are considered (huge speed-up for sparse label data).
      • Adaptive mesh details, i.e. only show high-resolution meshes for blocks that are closer to camera.

Paintera is implemented in Java and makes extensive use of the UI framework JavaFX

IMPORTANT NOTE If you install Paintera through conda you will have to use your system Java and JavaFX to be able to run Paintera because there is no JavaFX package on conda at the moment.



  • java (ubuntu):
sudo apt install default-jre default-jdk
  • maven (ubuntu):
sudo apt install maven
  • javafx (ubuntu):
sudo apt install openjfx

On Ubuntu 18.04, you will have to install OpenJFX 8 explicitly and then immediately pin this version:

sudo apt install openjfx=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 libopenjfx-java=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 libopenjfx-jni=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2
sudo apt-mark hold openjfx libopenjfx-java libopenjfx-jni

If your are on 18.10 or newer, add the bionic repositories following instruction on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjfx/+bug/1799946.


To compile and install the Paintera jar into your local maven repository, run

mvn clean install

Note that the fat jar profile is not supported anymore.


conda install -c conda-forge -c hanslovsky paintera


paintera [[JRUN ARG...] [JVM ARG...] --] [ARG...]

Jrun/JVM args are separated by --. The default max heap size is half the available system memory. To change the heap size, run

paintera -Xmx<size> -- [ARG...]


PAINTERA_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=<size> paintera [ARG...]

By default, org.slf4j:slf4j-simple is used as slf4j binding for logging. This can be replaced by setting the PAINTERA_SLF4J_BINDING environment variable:


For example, to replace org.slf4j:slf4j-simple with ch.qos.logback:logback-classic, run (on Linux/OSX):

PAINTERA_SLF4J_BINDING=ch.qos.logback:logback-classic paintera

To run a current SNAPSHOT version or your own modified Paintera, use jgo to run your locally compiled jar

jgo [JGO ARG...] [JVM ARG...] org.janelia.saalfeldlab:paintera:0.8.2-SNAPSHOT

or with logger bindings:

jgo [JGO ARG...] [JVM ARG...] org.janelia.saalfeldlab:paintera:0.8.2-SNAPSHOT+org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.25

We recommend these Java options:

Option Description
-Xmx16G Maximum Java heap space (replace 16G with desired amount)
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC concurrent garbage collector generally better for UI applications

Display help message and command line parameters

$ paintera --help
Usage: Paintera [-h] [--default-to-temp-directory] [--print-error-codes]
                [--version] [--height=HEIGHT]
                [--screen-scale-factor=SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR] [--width=WIDTH]
      [PROJECT]             Optional project N5 root (N5 or FileSystem).
                            Default to temporary directory instead of showing dialog
                              when PROJECT is not specified.
      --height=HEIGHT       Initial height of viewer. Defaults to 600. Overrides
                              height stored in project.
                            Highest screen scale, restricted to the interval (0,1],
                              defaults to 1. If no scale option is specified, scales
                              default to [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625].
                            Number of screen scales, defaults to 3. If no scale
                              option is specified, scales default to [1.0, 0.5,
                              0.25, 0.125, 0.0625].
      --print-error-codes   List all error codes and exit.
                            Scalar value from the open interval (0,1) that defines
                              how screen scales diminish in each dimension. Defaults
                              to 0.5. If no scale option is specified, scales
                              default to [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625].
                            Explicitly set screen scales. Must be strictly
                              monotonically decreasing values in from the interval
                              (0,1]. Overrides all other screen scale options. If no
                              scale option is specified, scales default to [1.0,
                              0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625].
      --version             Print version string and exit
      --width=WIDTH         Initial width of viewer. Defaults to 800. Overrides
                              width stored in project.
  -h, --help                Display this help message.


Action Description
P Show Status bar on right side
(Shift +) Ctrl + Tab Cycle current source forward (backward)
Ctrl + O Show open dataset dialog
M Maximize current view
Shift + M Maximize split view of one slicing viewer and 3D scene
Shift + Z Un-rotate but keep scale and translation
left click toggle id under cursor if current source is label source (de-select all others)
right click / Ctrl left click toggle id under cursor if current source is label source (append to current selection)
Shift left click Merge id under cursor with id that was last toggled active (if any)
Shift right click Split id under cursor from id that was last toggled active (if any)
Space left click/drag Paint with id that was last toggled active (if any)
Space right click/drag Erase within canvas only
Shift + Space right click/drag Paint background label
Space wheel change brush size
F + left click 2D Flood-fill in current viewer plane with id that was last toggled active (if any)
Shift + F + left click Flood-fill with id that was last toggled active (if any)
N Select new, previously unused id
S Enter shape interpolation mode
1 / 2 Edit first/second section when previewing interpolated shape
Enter Commit interpolated shape into canvas
Esc Abort shape interpolation mode
Ctrl + C Show dialog to commit canvas and/or assignments
C Increment ARGB stream seed by one
Shift + C Decrement ARGB stream seed by one
Ctrl + Shift + C Show ARGB stream seed spinner
V Toggle visibility of current source
Shift + V Toggle visibility of not-selected ids in current source (if label source)
R Clear mesh caches and refresh meshes (if current source is label source)
L Lock last selected segment (if label source)
Ctrl + S Save current project state
Ctrl + Shift + N Create new label dataset
Ctrl + T Threshold raw source (only available if current source is raw source)

Shape interpolation mode

The mode is activated by pressing the S key when the current source is a label source. Then, you can select the objects in the sections by left/right clicking (scrolling automatically fixes the selection in the current section).

When you're done with selecting the objects in the second section and initiate scrolling, the preview of the interpolated shape will be displayed. If something is not right, you can edit the selection in the first or second section by pressing 1 or 2, which will update the preview. When the desired result is reached, hit Enter to commit the results into the canvas and return back to normal mode.

While in the shape interpolation mode, at any point in time you can hit Esc to discard the current state and exit the mode.


In #61 we introduced a specification for the data format that Paintera can load through the opener dialog (Ctrl O). These restrictions hold only for the graphical user interface. If desired, callers can

  • add arbitrary data sets programatically, or
  • through the attributes.json project file if an appropriate gson deserializer is supplied.


Accept any of these:

  1. any regular (i.e. default mode) three-dimensional N5 dataset that is integer or float. Optional attributes are "resolution": [x,y,z] and "offset": [x,y,z].
  2. any multiscale N5 group that has "multiScale" : true attribute and contains three-dimensional multi-scale datasets s0 ... sN. Optional attributes are "resolution": [x,y,z] and "offset: [x,y,z]". In addition to the requirements from (1), all s1 ... sN datasets must contain "downsamplingFactors": [x,y,z] entry (s0 is exempt, will default to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]). All datasets must have same type. Optional attributes from (1) will be ignored.
  3. (preferred) any N5 group with attribute "painteraData : {"type" : "raw"} and a dataset/group data that conforms with (2).


Accept any of these:

  1. any regular (i.e. default mode) integer or varlength LabelMultisetType ("isLabelMultiset": true) three-dimensional N5 dataset. Required attributes are "maxId": <id>. Optional attributes are "resolution": [x,y,z], "offset": [x,y,z].
  2. any multiscale N5 group that has "multiScale" : true attribute and contains three-dimensional multi-scale datasets s0 ... sN. Required attributes are "maxId": <id>. Optional attributes are "resolution": [x,y,z], "offset": [x,y,z], "maxId": <id>. If "maxId" is not specified, it is determined at start-up and added (this can be expensive). In addition to the requirements from (1), all s1 ... sN datasets must contain "downsamplingFactors": [x,y,z] entry (s0 is exempt, will default to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]). All datasets must have same type. Optional attributes from (1) will be ignored.
  3. (preferred) any N5 group with attribute "painteraData : {"type" : "label"} and a dataset/group data that conforms with (2). Required attributes are "maxId": <id>. Optional sub-groups are:
  • fragment-segment-assignment -- Dataset to store fragment-segment lookup table. Can be empty or will be initialized empty if it does not exist.
  • label-to-block-mapping -- Multiscale directory tree with one text files per id mapping ids to containing label: label-to-block-mapping/s<scale-level>/<id>. If not present, no meshes will be generated.
  • unique-labels -- Multiscale N5 group holding unique label lists per block. If not present (or not using N5FS), meshes will not be updated when commiting canvas.