
Express.js backend for eatComplete Nutritional App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nutritional meal recommender app By Ian Hafkenschiel


Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. Distribution of the software in any form is only allowed with explicit, prior permission from the owner.


  1. Create a MySQL database called eatcomplete based off of the schema in setup/db-schema.sql and load data
  2. Clone the .env.template file as .env in the project root and add your MySQL credentials

To generate a new Sequelize model from an existing MySQL database:

node_modules/.bin/sequelize-auto -h -d DB_NAME -u DB_USER -x DB_PASSWORD -p 3306 --dialect mysql -c /FULL_PATH/eatcomplete-react-express/src/config/sequelize-auto-settings.json -o /FULL_PATH/eatcomplete-react-express/src/models

Change for your environment: DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, FULL_PATH's

Install dependencies


Running locally

Run server:

yarn start:local

This will start up a node.js express server on port 9999 and run create-react-app on port 3000

Nodemon will auto hot-reload on any changes in the server directory, while create-react-app will auto hot-reload any changes in front-end directory

Run frontend from repo eatcomplete-frontend-react

http://localhost:9999/graphql will display graphql testing ground You can also use Postman with http://localhost:9999/ to access the API

Building Server

yarn build:server

This will compile the server TypeScript code into a dist directory in the root directory


  1. Package Manager - Yarn
  2. Linter - ESLint + Airbnb Style
  3. Formatter - Prettier
  4. Pre-commit hooks - Husky
  5. Language - TypeScript *WIP
  6. Backend server - Node.js
  7. Backend API framework - Express.js
  8. Database - MySQL
  9. ORM - Sequelize
  10. Query Language/Server - Apollo + GraphQL
  • Not yet implemented