
Frontend server for nutritional app

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Nutritional meal recommender app By Ian Hafkenschiel


Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. Distribution of the software in any form is only allowed with explicit, prior permission from the owner.

Install dependencies


Running locally

Run backend from Github repo eatcomplete-backend-express

Run front end:

yarn dev

This will start up a create-react-app on port 3000

Create-react-app will auto hot-reload any changes in front-end directory

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Runnig Storybook

Component Galley Server

Run: yarn storybook

Building front-end

yarn build:front-end


  1. Package Manager - Yarn
  2. Linter - ESLint + Airbnb Style
  3. Formatter - Prettier
  4. Pre-commit hooks - Husky
  5. Language - TypeScript *WIP
  6. Query Language/Server - Apollo + GraphQL
  7. Frontend framework - React 18 Alpha
  8. Data Architecture - Relay* (considering Redux Toolkit and RxJs)
  9. UI Component Library - Material UI (considering Tailwind UI)
  10. Theme - Devias Material Kit
  11. UI Component Explorer - Storybook *WIP
  • Not yet implemented