
original images as input

jiayily opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, it's very strange that you use image mask as the model's input. Have you ever tried input original images?

In the paper, you find our reasoning for using segmented images as input:

Instead of trying to make simulated images look more realistic, we remove mostly unnecessary texture from real-world data by computing semantically segmented camera images. We show how their use as input to our algorithm allows us to train a neural network on synthetic data only, while still being able to successfully perform the desired task on real-world data.

The usage of synthetic datasets and an input abstraction to semantically segmented representations of the camera images allows the application to real-world data without manual labeling of BEV images.

Feel free to test the approach with original images.

mikqs commented


Could you please explain how one can use real-world images after training the model ? I have tested the model successfully on the validation dataset from VTD, but for real-world data, I believe that I have to semantically segment it with the color palette that was used for training. Is there an existing model that you recommend for segmentation ? (i.e. which model do you use to label the left-most real-world input pictures of Fig. 6 from the paper ?)

Thank you