
ED extension for classifying entities based on their attached RGBD measurements.

Primary LanguageC++

ED Perception Build Status

Plugins for classifying entities based on their attached RGBD measurements.


Depends on:

Check out the following packages in your workspace:

cd <your_catkin_workspace>/src
git clone https://github.com/tue-robotics/ed_perception.git

And compile

cd <your_catkin_workspace>:


All ED tutorials can be found in the ed_tutorials package: https://github.com/tue-robotics/ed_tutorials

Capturing images

Start the robot


Position the robot in front of the objects, and let the head look at the objects. Open a robot console (e.g. for AMIGO):

inspect hallway_table



Now you can capture an image and save it to disk using:


This will store the RGBD-image (color + depth) and meta-data (such as the timestamp and 6D pose) to the path you specified. If this path does not yet exist, it will be created. The filename of the file will be the date and timestamp of the image captured.

Annotating the images

Before you can annotate the images, a 3D (ED) model of the supporting furniture (e.g. the table on which the objects are positioned). Let's say the name of this model is my-lab/table.

To streamline the annotation, it is also possible to load the available object types in the GUI and auto-annotate the supporting objects. For this a number of conditions need to be met:

  • The images must be stored in a folder structure so that the GUI can derive the supporting object from the parent directory, where on_top_of is an area defined in the table model:

like this:

|------ on_top_of_table
|       |   img1.rgbd
|       |   img1.png
|       |   ...
|------ shelf3_cabinet
|       |   img2.rgbd
|       |   img2.png
|       |   ...
  • The environment variable ROBOT_ENV must be set to a world name defined in ed_object_models (my-lab) and in robocup_knowledge.

  • The world description must contain a model (my-lab/table) in a composition defined in my-lab/model.yaml (see the ED tutorials, specifically tutorials 1-5). This description is automatically loaded when the annotation GUI starts.

  • robocup_knowledge/src/robocup_knowledge/my-lab must contain a python database of the objects that you want to annotate (typically the objects that the robot needs to be able to recognize in my-lab).

  • To load the object labels, run a roscore, and run

    rosrun ed_perception load_object_types

Now you can start the annotator with the path in which you stored the images:

rosrun ed_perception annotation-gui /some/path

and cycle through the images using the arrow keys.

If you don't have auto-annotation of the supporting object, the segmentation is probably pretty bad. This will however change once you add the supporting furniture.

  • In the annotation-gui, type the name of the supporting entity, in our case my-lab/table. You should see the entity name appearing.
  • Once you typed the name, press enter. The color of the name should change to red. This means that it is selected
  • Left-click in the image on the location where the supporting (the table) is. A label should appear
  • If you made a mistake, right-click on the blue sphere to delete it.

Go through all the images and annotate the supporting entity.

By default, the area that is used for segmentation is on_top_of. You can however specify another area. If you want this:

  • Type area:<name-of-area>, for example area:shelf1 and press enter
  • click anywhere on the image. You should see the area name change in the upper status bar

Once an image has the supporting entity annotated, segmentation should improve. Now you can annotate the rest objects in the images, using the same process:

  • Type the name of the object an press enter
    • If you loaded the object types, you can use auto-completion! Use the up and down arrows to select the object
  • Left-click on the (middle of the) object in the image
  • If segment rectangles overlap, don't annotate in the overlapping region, because it is undefined which of the two rectangles will then be annotated.
  • Tip: type the name of the object, then go through all the images and click on it. In general this is faster then re-typing the name of the object, even with auto-completion

If you encounter any images that are useless for annotation/training, it is possible to exclude them. If you do that, the image crawler will skip the image in the future, in the GUI as well as while training or testing. Excluding an image is done by typing exclude, pressing enter and clicking in the image. This can only be undone by manually opening the json file with the metadata of the excluded image and setting exclude to false.

You can always exit the annotation-gui by pressing ESC. Your progress will be saved (in the json-meta-data files).

Segmenting the images for training of the deep learning perception

Once you have a decent number of annotations of all the objects you want your robot to recognize, you might want to train a neural network using the segments containing the annotated objects. Good news! You can do that! By running

rosrun ed_perception store_segments /path/containing/annotated/images/ /target_directory/

the annotated segments are cut out and stored in the following directory structure:

|------ coke
|       |   img1.png
|       |   img2.png
|       |   ...
|------ toilet_paper
|       |   img1.png
|       |   img11.png
|       |   ...

TODO: Training the awesome deep learning peception module

Training the OLD perception modules (deprecated)

Go to the package in which the perception modules are stored:

roscd ed_perception_models
cd models

Create a new folder with the name of the current environment:

mkdir $ROBOT_ENV

Within this directory, create a file called parameters.yaml with a content like this:

- lib: libcolor_matcher.so
    color_margin: 0.02
- lib: libsize_matcher.so
    size_margin: 0.01

This determines which perception modules are used, with which parameters. Now you can train the models for these perception modules, using the train-perception tool. This takes two arguments:

rosrun ed_perception train-perception <config-file> <image-file-or-directory>

So in our case:

rosrun ed_perception train-perception `rospack find ed_perception_models`/models/$ROBOT_ENV/parameters.yaml /path/to/images

Testing the OLD perception models (deprecated)

rosrun ed_perception test-perception `rospack find ed_perception_models`/models/$ROBOT_ENV/parameters.yaml /path/to/images