
A Lua module to work with Google protobuf

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Google protobuf support for Lua

Build StatusCoverage Status


This project offers a simple C library for basic protobuf wire format encode/decode, it splits to several modules:

  • pb.slice: a wire format decode module.
  • pb.buffer: a buffer implement that use to encode basic types into protobuf's wire format. It also can be used to support streaming decode protobuf data.
  • pb.conv: a module to convert between integers in protobuf.
  • pb.io: a module to support binary mode read/write to stdin/stdout.

It also has a high level Lua module to direct decode protobuf data to Lua table, or encode Lua table to protobuf data.

It both support protobuf version 2 and 3 syntax and semantics.

To support new protobuf type, you can use pb.load()/pb.loadfile() to load a compiled protobuf schema file, generated by Google protobuf's protoc compiler. And if you don't want include google's huge library, it includes a pure Lua module named protoc to translate text protobuf schema file into *.pb format.

After load schema into pb module, you could use pb.encode() or pb.decode() routines to produce protobuf data.


To install this Lua module, you could just use luarocks:

luarocks install lua-protobuf

If you want build it from source, just clone repo and use luarocks:

git clone https://github.com/starwing/lua-protobuf
luarocks make rockspecs/lua-protobuf-scm-1.rockspec

If you don't have luarocks, use hererocks to install Lua and luarocks:

pip install hererocks
git clone https://github.com/starwing/lua-protobuf
hererocks -j 2.0 -rlatest .
bin/luarocks make lua-protobuf/rockspecs/lua-protobuf-scm-1.rockspec CFLAGS="-fPIC -Wall -Wextra" LIBFLAGS="-shared"
cp protoc.lua pb.so ..

Or you can build it by hand, it only have a pure Lua module and a pair of C file: pb.h and pb.c

To build it on macOS, use your favor compiler:

gcc -O2 -shared -undefined dynamic_lookup pb.c -o pb.so

On Linux, use the nearly same command:

gcc -O2 -shared -fPIC pb.c -o pb.so

On Windows, you could use MinGW or MSVC, create a sln project or build it on command line:

cl /O2 /LD /Fepb.dll /I Lua53\include /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL pb.c Lua53\lib\lua53.lib


local pb = require "pb"
local protoc = require "protoc"

assert(protoc:load [[
   message Phone {
      optional string name        = 1;
      optional int64  phonenumber = 2;
   message Person {
      optional string name     = 1;
      optional int32  age      = 2;
      optional string address  = 3;
      repeated Phone  contacts = 4;
   } ]])

local data = {
   name = "ilse",
   age  = 18,
   contacts = {
      { name = "alice", phonenumber = 12312341234 },
      { name = "bob",   phonenumber = 45645674567 }

local bytes = assert(pb.encode("Person", data))

local data2 = assert(pb.decode("Person", bytes))
print(require "serpent".block(data2))


protoc Module

Function Returns Descriptions
protoc.new() Proroc object create a new compiler instance
protoc.reload() true reload all google standard messages into pb module
p:parse(string) table transform schema to DescriptorProto table
p:parsefile(string) table like p:parse(), but accept filename
p:compile(string) string transform schema to binary *.pb format data
p:compilefile(string) string like p:compile(), but accept filename
p:load(string) true load schema into pb module
p:loadfile(string) true like pb:loadfile(), but accept filename
p.loaded table contains all parsed DescriptorProto table
p.paths table a table contains import search directories
p.unknown_module see below handle schema import error
p.unknown_type see below handle unknown type in schema
p.include_imports bool auto load imported proto

To parse a text schema file, you should create a compiler instance first:

local p = protoc.new()

Then, you can set some options to compiler, e.g. the search path, the unknown handlers, etc.

p.paths[#p.paths+1] = "whatever/folder/hold/.proto/files"
p.unknown_module = function(self, module_name) ... end
p.unknown_type = function(self, type_name) ... end
p.include_imports = true

The unknwon_module and unknown_type handle could be true, string or a function. If set it to true, means all non-exists module or type are given a default value and do not trigger a error. If set it to a string, that string will be a Lua pattern that indicate whether a unknown module or type should produce a error, e.g.

p.unknown_type = "Foo.*"

means all Types prefixed by Foo will treat as exists type and not trigger errors.

If these handlers are set to functions, the unknown type or module name will passed to function, for module handler, it should return a DescriptorProto Table produced by p:load[file]() functions, for type handler, it should return a type name and type, such as message or enum, e.g.

function p:unknown_module(name)
  -- if can not find "foo.proto", load "my_foo.proto" instead
  return p:load("my_"..name)

function p:unknown_type(name)
  -- if can not find "Type", treat it as ".MyType" and is a message type
  return ".My"..name, "message"

After setting options, use load[file]() or compile[file]() or parse[file]() function to get result.

pb Module

pb module have the high level routines to maniplate protobuf messages.

in below functions, we have several types that has special means:

  • type: a string that indicate a protobuf message type, ".Foo" means a type in a proto file that have not package statement declared. "foo.Foo" means a type in a proto file that declared package foo;

  • data: could be string, pb.Slice value or pb.Buffer value.

  • iterator: a function that can used in Lua for in statement, e.g.

    for name in pb.types() do

all functions returns nil, errmsg when meet errors.

Function Returns Description
pb.clear() None clear all types
pb.clear(type) None delete specific type
pb.load(data) true load a binary schema data into pb module
pb.loadfile(string) true same as pb.load(), but accept file name
pb.encode(type, table) string encode a message table into binary form
pb.encode(type, table, b) buffer encode a message table into binary form to buffer
pb.decode(type, data) table decode a binary message into Lua table
pb.decode(type, data, table) table decode a binary message into a given Lua table
pb.pack(fmt, ...) string same as buffer.pack() but return string
pb.unpack(data, fmt, ...) values... same as slice.unpack() but accept data
pb.types() iterator iterate all types in pb module
pb.type(type) see below return informations for specific type
pb.fields(type) iterator iterate all fields in a message
pb.field(type, string) see below return informations for specific field of type
pb.enum(type, string) number get the value of a enum by name
pb.enum(type, number) string get the name of a enum by value
pb.defaults(type[, table]) table get the default table of type
pb.option(string) string set options to decoder/encoder

You can use pb.(type|field)[s]() functions to retrieve type informations for loaded messages.

pb.type() returns multiple informations for specified type:

  • name : the full qualitier name of type, e.g. ".package.TypeName"
  • basename: the type name without package prefix, e.g. "TypeName"
  • "map" | "enum" | "message": whether the type is a map_entry type, enum type or message type.

pb.types() returns a iterators, behavior like call pb.type() on every types of all messages.

print(pb.type "MyType")

-- list all types that loaded into pb
for name, basename, type in pb.types() do
  print(name, basename, type)

pb.field() returns informations of the specified field for one type:

  • name: the name of field
  • number: number of field in schema
  • type: field type
  • default value: if no default value, nil
  • "packed"|"repeated"| "optional": label of field, optional or repeated, required is not supported
  • [oneof_name, oneof_index] : if this is a oneof field, this is the oneof name and index

And pb.fields() iterates all fields in a message:

print(pb.field("MyType", "the_first_field"))

-- notice that you needn't receive all return values from iterator
for name, number, type in pb.fields "MyType" do
  print(name, number, type)

pb.enum() maps from enum name and value:

protoc:load [[
enum Color { Red = 1; Green = 2; Blue = 3 }
print(pb.enum("Color", "Red")) --> 1
print(pb.enum("Color", 2)) --> "Green"

Using pb.defaults(), you could get a table with all default values from a message:

   check_load [[
      message TestDefault {
         optional int32 defaulted_int = 10 [ default = 777 ];
         optional bool defaulted_bool = 11 [ default = true ];
         optional string defaulted_str = 12 [ default = "foo" ];
         optional float defaulted_num = 13 [ default = 0.125 ];
      } ]]
   print(require "serpent".block(pb.defaults "TestDefault"))
-- output:
-- {
--   defaulted_bool = true,
--   defaulted_int = 777,
--   defaulted_num = 0.125,
--   defaulted_str = "foo"
-- } --[[table: 0x7f8c1e52b050]]

You can set options to change the behavior or decoder/encoder. current these options are supported:

Option Description
enum_as_name set value to enum name when decode a enum
enum_as_value set value to enum value when decode a enum

pb.io Module

pb.io module are used to read binary data from file or stdin/stdout, pb.io.read() is used to read binary data from file, if no file name given as the first parameter, it reads binary data from stdin.

pb.io.write() and pb.io.dump() all same as Lua's io.write() but they write binary data. The first one write data to stdout, and latter write data to a file, specific by the first parameter, the file name.

All these functions return true value when success, and return nil, errmsg when error occurs.

Function Returns Description
io.read() string read all binary data from stdin
io.read(string) string read all binary data from file name
io.write(string, ...) string write binary data to file name
io.dump(...) true write binary data to stdout

pb.conv Module

pb.conv have functions to convert between numbers.

Encode Function Decode Function
conv.encode_int32() conv.decode_int32()
conv.encode_uint32() conv.decode_uint32()
conv.encode_sint32() conv.decode_sint32()
conv.encode_sint64() conv.decode_sint64()
conv.encode_float() conv.decode_float()
conv.encode_double() conv.decode_double()

pb.slice Module

Slice module used to parse binary protobuf data in low level way. Use slice.new() to create a slice object, you can specific offset i and j to just access a sub part of the original data (named a view).

A slice object itself has a stack, use s:enter(i, j) to save current position and enter next level which the view is specific by the offset i and j, just as slice.new(). Use s:leave() to restore previous view. You can use s:level() to get the current level, and use s:level(n) to get the current position, the start and the end position informations of the nth level. You can also use s:enter() without parameter to read a length delimited type value from slice and enter the view in readed value. To get the count of bytes remains in current view to read, use #s.

To read values from slice, use slice.unpack(), it use a format string to control how to read into a slice (same format character are also used in buffer.pack()):

Format Description
v variable Int value
d 4 bytes fixed32 value
q 8 bytes fixed64 value
s length delimited value, usually a string, bytes or message in protobuf.
c receive a extra number parameter count after the format, and reads count bytes in slice.
b variable int value as a Lua boolean value.
f 4 bytes fixed32 value as floating point number value.
F 8 bytes fixed64 value as floating point number value.
i variable int value as signed int value, i.e. int32
j variable int value as zig-zad encoded signed int value, i.e.sint32
u variable int value as unsigned int value, i.e. uint32
x 4 bytes fixed32 value as unsigned fixed32 value, i.e.fixed32
y 4 bytes fixed32 value as signed fixed32 value, i.e. sfixed32
I variable int value as signed int value, i.e.int64
J variable int value as zig-zad encoded signed int value, i.e. sint64
U variable int value and treat it as uint64
X 8 bytes fixed64 value as unsigned fixed64 value, i.e. fixed64
Y 8 bytes fixed64 value as signed fixed64 value, i.e. sfixed64

And you can use extra format to control the read cursor in one slice.unpack() process:

Format Description
@ returns current cursor position in slice, related with the begining of current view.
* set the current cursor position to the extra parameter after format string.
+ set the relate cursor position, i.e. add the extra parameter to current position.

e.g. If you want to read a varint value twice, you can write it as:

local v1, v2 = s:unpack("v*v", 1)
-- v: reads a varint value
-- *: receive the second parameter 1 and set it to current cursor position, i.e. restore cursor to the head of view
-- v: reads the first varint value again
Function Returns Description
slice.new(data[,i[,j]]) Slice object create a new slice object
s:delete() none same as s:reset(), free it's content
tostring(s) string return the string repr of the object
#s number returns the count of bytes can read in current view
s:reset([...]) self reset object to another data
s:level() number returns the count of stored state
s:level(number) p, i, j returns the informations of the nth stored state
s:enter() self reads a bytes value, and enter it's view
s:enter(i[, j]) self enter a view start at i and ends at j, includes
s:leave([number]) self, n leave the number count of level (default 1) and return current level
s:unpack(fmt, ...) values... reads values of current view from slice

pb.buffer Module

Buffer module used to construct a protobuf data format stream in low level way, it's just a bytes data buffer, you can add values by buffer.pack(), and use buffer.result() get the encoded raw data, or use buffer.tohex() to get human readable hexadigit value of data.

the buffer.pack() use the same format syntax with slice.unpack(), and support '()' format, if you use a pair of parenthesis, it means the inner value will be encoded as a length delimited value, i.e. a message value encoded format.

parenthesis could be nested.


b:pack("(vvv)", 1, 2, 3) -- get a bytes value that contains three varint value.

buffer.pack() also support '#' format, it means prepends a length into buffer.


b:pack("#", 5) -- prepends a varint length #b-5+1 at offset 5
Function Returns Description
buffer.new([...]) Buffer object create a new buffer object, extra args will passed to b:reset()
b:delete() none same as b:reset(), free it's content
tostring(b) string returns the string repr of the object
#b number returns the encoded count of bytes in buffer
b:reset() self free buffer content, reset it to a empty buffer
b:reset([...]) self resets the buffer and set its content as the concat of it's args
b:tohex([i[, j]]) string return the string of hexadigit represent of the data, i and j are ranges in encoded data, includes. Omit it means the whole range
b:result([i[,j]]) string return the raw data, i and j are ranges in encoded data, includes,. Omit it means the whole range
b:pack(fmt, ...) self encode the values passed to b:pack(), use fmt to indicate how to encode value