
Created dynamic Power BI dashboards at AtliQ Technologies for Shield Insurance, enhancing strategic decision-making with insightful data analysis.


Shield Insurance Services, a pioneering provider of comprehensive insurance solutions, is dedicated to delivering exceptional service and value to its clientele. Embracing innovation and customer-centricity, we strive to redefine the insurance landscape by harnessing advanced technologies and data-driven insights.

Insurance Metrics Dashboard

This dashboard project focuses on tracking key metrics in the insurance industry using the provided dataset from #codebasics. The goal is to analyze and visualize various aspects related to customer behavior, revenue, sales modes, trends, and age groups.

Tools Used:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Power BI

Key Metrics Tracked:

  1. Customer and Revenue Tracking:

    • Analyzing customer demographics and revenue generated.
  2. Daily Revenue and Customer Growth Rate:

    • Monitoring the daily growth rates of revenue and customer base.
  3. Sales Mode Analysis:

    • Examining different sales modes' effectiveness in generating revenue and acquiring customers.
  4. Trends in Customer and Revenue Growth:

    • Identifying trends in customer acquisition and revenue growth over time.
  5. Age Group Analysis:

    • Understanding the distribution of customers across different age groups and their impact on revenue.

Key Definitions:

  • Premium: The amount paid by policyholders to insurance companies for coverage.
  • Policy: The contract outlining terms and conditions between the insured and insurer.
  • Coverage: Protection provided by insurance policies against specific risks or events.
  • Claim: Formal request by the insured to seek compensation for covered losses or damages.

Repository Structure:

  • Data: Contains the dataset provided by #codebasics.
  • Excel: Excel files used for data preprocessing and initial analysis.
  • Power BI: Power BI reports for interactive visualization.

How to Use:

  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Open the Excel files for data preprocessing and initial analysis.
  3. Import the processed data into Power BI for visualization.
  4. Analyze the trends, insights, and conclusions drawn from the dashboard.
  5. Refer to the Canva presentation for a summary of key findings.


  • As a junior data analyst at Atliq Technologies, the objective is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Shield Insurance, a valued client.
  • The pilot project aims to provide insightful views into key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends within the company.
  • Specific focus is placed on the sales mode analysis page, delving into the effectiveness of different sales modes and their contribution to overall revenue
  • The age group analysis page provides insights into customer demographics, revenue contributions by age groups, and age-specific behaviors

Key Insights:

  • Dominance in Delhi NCR: Strong presence and growth potential noted in Delhi NCR since February-March 2023.
  • Success of Offline Agents: Face-to-face approach through offline agents highly effective for customer acquisition and revenue generation.
  • Age Demographics: Concentration observed in the 30-40 age bracket, indicating relevance to professionals.
  • Strategic Focus on Seniors: Seniors aged 65+ receive the highest settlement amounts, emphasizing commitment to comprehensive coverage.
  • Balanced Demographic Strategy: Targeting both the 30-40 age group and 65+ segment ensures inclusivity and relevance.


In conclusion, our comprehensive analysis of key insurance parameters provides invaluable insights essential for informed strategic decision-making. By understanding regional dynamics, optimizing agent strategies, and tailoring offerings to specific age demographics, Shield Insurance Services remains at the forefront of innovation and customer-centricity in the insurance industry. Through our commitment to data-driven insights and continuous improvement, we uphold our mission of delivering exceptional value and service to our clients, driving sustained growth and success in a dynamic market landscape.


  • Special thanks to #codebasics for providing the dataset and inspiration for this project.
  • Gratitude to the creators of Microsoft Excel, Power BI, and Canva for their powerful tools.