Fast, sensitive and accurate integration of single-cell data with Harmony
- AndrewSkeltonUCB
- bioinfonerdBoston, MA
- cfonsekaCambridge, MA, USA
- cx0San Francisco
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Echo226Worcester Polytechnic University
- eemailme
- fzhangcode
- hbioer
- ilyakorsunsky
- jamievalerius
- jasmari92
- JEFworksJohns Hopkins University
- jhcloos
- kathrinjansenKennedy Institute of Rheumatology
- kvshamsBroad Institute and Harvard Medical School
- linzhangTuesday
- liuyifang
- pati-ni
- phoebee-h
- sabyadgMicrosoft
- snsansomKennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford
- timhowes@ParkerICI
- xinyli
- yeexue
- yluo86University of Oxford