This library contains the Java implementations of algorithms used in cancer-related data processing.
The following algorithms are available:
- County at Diagnosis Analysis (CountyAtDxAnalysisUtils)
- IARC Multiple Primary Algorithm (IarcUtils)
- ICD Conversions (IcdUtils)
- International Classification of Childhood Cancer (IcccRecodeUtils)
- NAACCR Asian/Pacific Islander Identification Algorithm (NapiiaUtils)
- NAACCR Hispanic Identification Algorithm (NhiaUtils)
- NAACCR Poverty Linkage Program (CensusTractPovertyIndicatorUtils)
- NAACCR Rural Urban Program (RUCA/URIC/Continuum) (RuralUrbanUtils)
- NAACCR Yost Quintile & Area-Based Social Measures Linkage Program (YostAcsPovertyUtils)
- NPCR PRCDA & UIHO Linkage Program (PrcdaUihoUtils)
- SEER AYA Site Recode (AyaSiteRecodeUtils)
- SEER Behavior Recode (BehaviorRecodeUtils)
- SEER Cause-specific Death Classification (CauseSpecificUtils)
- SEER Site Recode (SeerSiteRecodeUtils)
- Site-specific Surgery tables (SiteSpecificSurgeryUtils)
- Survival Time in Months (SurvivalTimeUtils)
The library is available on Maven Central.
To include it to your Maven or Gradle project, use the group ID com.imsweb
and the artifact ID algorithms
You can check out the release page for a list of the releases and their changes.
To know the version of a specific algorithm, click the link to the corresponding utility class and check the static variables defined on the top of the class.
Not all algorithms support a version.
This library does not support several versions of a given algorithm; it only contains the latest version available.
There two ways to use this library:
- Every algorithm has a utility class that exposes one or several computation methods; those methods can be called directly.
- Every algorithm also has an implementation of the Algorithm class which exposes a unified execute method.
The Algorithms class acts as a repository of all the algorithms and their input/output fields.
This library was developed through the SEER program.
The Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program is a premier source for cancer statistics in the United States. The SEER program collects information on incidence, prevalence and survival from specific geographic areas representing a large portion of the US population and reports on all these data plus cancer mortality data for the entire country.